MST3K Season 8 Extravaganza

Professor Bobo Observers Nanites

Mike vs. Joel(one MSTie's opinion)

MST3K Season 8 Extravaganza is an episode guide for the latest season of Mystery Science Theatre 3000. Our fav-o-rite movie mocking puppet shows has undergone some wacky changes this season. First of all the show has moved to everyone's fav station for UFO movies, bad horror flicks, and other assorted science fiction crapola, The SciFi Channel. The other major change is that Bill Corbett has taken over as Crow's voicer. While the other members of the Satellite of Love(SOL) were floating on the edge of the universe doing God-knows-what(although Tom Servo made references to a strip joint in episode 802) Crow was festering around the ship for a few centuries. Even though Crow's biting sarcasm and viracious wit still attack many underpaid actors of the 50's his voice has mysteriously changed....... The SOL is currently orbiting over the Earth in the year 2525, when monkeys rule the Earth and Mrs. Pearl Forrester, the Lawgiver, rules the apes. She is insistant in continuing her son's experiment of sending the SOL crew cheesy movies to watch. Some other fresh faces include Professor Bobo, who is Pearl's primate assistant, The Nanites, who are microscopic organisms that infest the satellite and are bent on world domination(meanwhile they help repair the ship), and The Observers, futuristic pale beings who carry their brains in a dish and appear in the later episodes. MOVIE SIGN!!!

...More to come as I watch and review shows...

My favorite places on the web--

The huge link orgy for all MST-o-maniacs
The Official Alma Matter for all MSTies worldwide
Sweet Season 8 candy for your ears-It cures what ails ya

Keep circulating the tapes!!
"bite me, you'll like it"
-Crow T. Robot-
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This is a public page and all pictures are open for distribution. I would like to thank the Sci-fi Channel and Best Brains, Inc. for they own the copyrights...blah, blah, mumbo jumbo..etc., etc.