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The Chris Augustus

Doctor Who, Lost In Space, Screen Saver, Fun Stuff, & Download
Home Page

LAST UPDATED 07/15/2009

Picture of Teenage Mutant Awesome Augustus

Teenage Mutant Awesome Augustus - 1986


Want Doctor Who and Lost In Space screen savers for a price (free) you can afford?  Want to view a Doctor Who episode list?  Want to read a strange true story that took place almost twenty years ago?  Want to learn other strange things and view strange links to other places on the web?  You have come to one of those places.

Believe it or not, but this page has been visited Countertimes since 02/16/2001!

Television IconView a video of my new song "Barack is a Communist". I woke up Thursday morning (October 9) and while in the shower started thinking about the song "Another One Bites The Dust" by Queen and how I could change out the lyrics to "Barack is a Communist".  That night I fleshed out most of the words (stopping to watch the Office and the SNL special) and Friday night I finished the song.  Saturday I threw together the video you can see on YouTube.  

Doctor Who Icon Visit my Doctor Who Page.  I have now formally moved all my Doctor Who related material to its own page. Items of best interest are an HTML Doctor Who episode list, a TARDIS console simulation program, and the famous Police Box screen saver from 1996.  Doctor Who can be seen on some PBS stations, BBC America, and/or the Sci-Fi Channel.

Television Icon Hey, hey, visit my Monkees television/DVD page.  I started watching the Monkees during the summer of 1985 on a new UHF station from Knoxville.  When the shows finally became available on DVD, I bought both seasons.  Come check out a view of what is on the DVD's and eventually I hope to have comments about each episode.

Home For Christmas Icon You can visit my Christmas Central Page.  Not only can you view the I'll Be Home For Christmas Animated GIF page, you can view the Santa Claus Blues Animated GIF page.

Weather Icon Visit the Obsessed With Weather Page.

Links Icon My Cool Places Visited In And Around East Tennessee Home Page is a web page of a few pictures from around East Tennessee. This used to be found on another free web page server that ceased being free.

Robot Icon Visit my Lost In Space page which is set aside for just my Lost In Space stuff including the 32 Bit Screen Saver.  It is here that you can download the two screen savers (16 bit and 32 bit).

Buck Mountain Icon  THE BUCK MOUNTAIN PROJECT: Over ten years ago when I was in college, I loved going to all the scenic places around Cookeville, Tennessee.  One of the places was a finger of the western edge of the Cumberland Plateau.  There were rumors of witch cemeteries and devil worshipers on the mountain.  To top it off, there was a "secret government installation" with a mysterious radio antenna and a satalite dish.  Then there was a bridge named "Crazy George's Bridge" named for a poor person who fell off the bridge and was decapitated by a passing train on the tracks below.  Many people around Cookeville and I thought the whole mountain was called "Buck Mountain".  Unlike the hit movie the summer of 1999 (which had a similar title), this story really happened over ten years ago on Friday, October 13, 1989 and on January 23, 1990.  In the story, I asked the question why nobody from my future ever popped back to the past and warned me of bad things to come and how best to solve them.  Nobody showed up that night and 101 days later I got the answer why.  The icon is a representation of how the television antenna on top of the mountain would have looked in 1989 from interstate 40.  If you are traveling between Knoxville and Nashville Tennessee, look to the north side of the interstate between Cookeville and Monterey while dropping off the Cumberland Plateau to the Eastern Highland Rim (or vise vera).  The original hand written story would have been written down sometime before February of that year.

Buck Mountain Icon While having the animated GIF images of the Doctor Who openings made for my episode guide, I was able to have this little gem made.  It's the "Only Reason You Need Not To Attempt To Ford A Creek With A Toyota Tercel When The Depth Of The Stream Might Be Unknown" page.  Seeing is believing!  The GIF file is very large and may take some time to download.  For those of you brave enough, a map and directions are included to the ford.

Chruch Icon This is a link to my old church in Lenoir City.  Years ago we weaseled the address www.CentralMethodist.com!  They are located at the intersection of US 321 and US 70 in the Eaton Crossroads community near the I-75 exit 81. On Sunday mornings they have an early contemporary worship service at 8:45 AM and a traditional Methodist service at 11:00 AM.

I thank you again for visiting my page.  I don't have tons of time to update this page, so forgive me for not having the most up to date page.  I'm a computer programmer who lives in East Tennessee in the USA.  Except for a few years in college, I have always lived in the Knoxville area.  I am happily married and currently have two kids who I spend more time with than playing with web pages (and it shows).  Feel the need to contact me?  Here is my e-mail address: New E-Mail Address.

This page was created and copyrighted © 1996 - 2009 by Christopher L. Augustus.

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