
Short Version: Don't sue me.

Long Version: Sorry if I offend anyone with what I put on this page. Some of the jokes are tasteless, if you don't like them, you don't have to read them. Should you be from a big greedy corporation that wants to sue me because I piss you off or accidently infringe on one of your copyrights, sorry; if the law is on your side I'll gladly comply and alter the offending pages as needed. Yes, I know that "The Simpsons" are owned by Fox, and Wayne Resnick and John and Ken work for KFI, which is owned by Cox Enterprises. And with the whole Roger Mason/Devil thing, I know that I'm just begging for a lawsuit, so let it be know that Roger Mason is not *really* the devil, and that it's all a big joke because he happens to look exactly like the devil. I'm sure he's really very nice, and would enjoy the humor of my page blatantly accusing him of being the Anti-Christ.

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