by Lisa (Gatorella) Cox-Nighthawk Commando

The A-Team's Back
 (sung to the tune of "My Boyfriend's Back") 

 Accused by the Army of a crime 
 They didn't commit, they escaped 
 Living in the LA underground, 
 They help those who need it most.
 The A-Team's back and you're gonna be in trouble, 
 (Hey la, hey la, the A-Team's back) 
 When you see them coming, better cut out on the double. 
 (Hey la, hey la, the A-Team's back) 
 They'll be there when trouble's hounding you, 
 (Hey la, hey la, the A-Team's back) 
 Hannibal and Murdock, Face and BA, too 
 (Hey la, hey la, the A-Team's back) 

 (Decker, you're never gonna find them, 
 So, how long will you be tryin') 

 Face is a conman and looks really fine 
 (Hey la, hey la, the A-Team's back) 
 Hannibal is on the jazz all the time 
 (Hey la, hey la, the A-Team's back) 
 They've been running for so long 
 (Hey la, hey la, the A-Team's back) 
 In a van that's big and strong 
 (Hey la, hey la, the A-Team's back) 

 (Lynch will never ever beat them, 
 'Cause they won't let him see them) 

 Murdock's a Captain, see how he flies...wahoo....wahoo.... 
 BA's a big man now and he'll cut you down to size...wahoo....wahoo... 
 Wait and see! 

 The A-Team has such a great reputation 
 (Hey la, hey la, the A-Team's back) 
 If I were you, I'd take a permanent vacation 
 (Hey la, hey la, the A-Team's back)

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