I found this annoying new trick compliments of Geocities. Just wait another two seconds for my real page to load. If I am feeling really mean, I could increase the waiting time so all you people with t3 connections, myself included, will find out what it feels like to wait.

Since I have total control of your web browser, I think I'll amuse you with a song until my page loads, to show that I am generous yet firm.

On second thought, you don't deserve a song. So just sit quietly and do whatever perverted things you normally do. I can't mention them because I would get kicked off Geocities, then I would never be able to get my coffee mug or mouse pad.

I could provide you with a link to my page, but I won't, because if you have net access you are already privelaged enough. There are starving kids in Asia who would love the chance to "surf the net".

Wow, you can read pretty fast. Maybe if I change the color to flourescent yellow, you woudn't have gotten this far.

Since you have read all this, you obviously are bored so I'll just provide some amusing thoughts. And I laugh at the modem users who won't even get a chance to read this.

I saw a sign that said "no shoulders" while riding in a car. Since I didn't care up until then, I wasn't sure what it meant, but this moron named Carl Rossetti told me. He said that the curb is sometimes called an elbow and that shoulders are the area between the sidewalk and the road. He knew this because he comes from a redneck town in Massachusetts called Peppermill. He claims it is spelled Pepperell and pronounced pep-er-ril, but I'm onto his little games. He corrected me that Pepperell is spelled without an i. Like I said, he sucks. That got me thinking. Why aren't there signs of other human body parts? What would you call a dead end? I could already see angry, uptight, anal old ladies picketing the department of motor vehicles. And I don't even want to mention the yeild sign.

I don't think I've ever met a person who knew what queue and syzygy meant. If you can prove that you know both of these without looking them up in a dictionary, then you will win a small prize. Nothing fancy. Maybe some source code for an Eiffel program you wish you could understand.

In case you were wondering about Quake at his moment, I'll provide you with the address of the Quake server on my floor at R.I.T. It is, or quake.rh.rit.edu. IF you are ever there and see anyone of the following: savatte, !!savatte.frag, jave the hammer, barbie girl, or lumberjack.off, that is me. Say hi to me and I might not kill you with a rocket. I'll axe murder your ass.

Time for some random thoughts as they provide more things for you to read. The Ti-85 kicks ass. My phone jack broke. I want some more ram. I also want a pentiumII 300Mhz processor, a 10gig hard drive, a cd-rom burner, a 3-d card, and a 32 inch moniter. But that ain't happening. I wish my room wasn't so cold. Albany sucks. Everything closes at 9:00. In Rochester, everything closes at...9:00. But I have no need to go into the city. I need money. Feel free to send money to C.P.U. 1457 Grace Watson Hall, Rochester N.Y., 14623. And address it to Marshall Savitt so the person who shares my mailbox doesn't think he is special.

If you've read all this, I solute you. Enjoy my page. Some people might just scroll down to the bottom to see if I put a link. I think I'll put a telnet link and laugh at the many futile attempts to bypass my genious. Hehe.

Savatte's real site Wow. I havent updated this in mad long. Apparently geocities kicks you off for not updating index.html. oh well. this should satisfy their greedy needs