Top Ten Ways To Know That The Sherlock Holmes Story You Are Reading Was Written In The 1990's Not The 1890's.

10. Watson proudly informs us that despite his experience with women spanning three continents, he is HIV negative.
9. Gregson and Lestrade show up at 221B Baker Street wearing t-shirts that point to oeach other and say "I'm with stupid."
8. Holmes appears on Sally Jesse Raphael and Moriarty is brought out as ambush guest.
7. Holmes turns down an invitation to appear on David Letterman's show, explaining, "No, Watson does_not_do Stupid People Tricks.
6. Watson describes, in detail, an arriving client, before the door is opened, to Holmes' astonishment.  Watson smugly neglects to tell him about the surveillance camera and moniter he's had installed.
5. Holmes gets a big laugh out of the fact that, although he has policemen in his home frequently, he has never once been busted on posseion, in spite of keeping his bottle of cocaine out in plain sight.
4. Mrs. Hudson asks why they keep up the pretense of keeping seperate bedrooms.
3. The handsome cab drivers don't speak a word of English.
2. Mycroft buys a fitness video.
1. Irene Adler is subpeona'd by Kenneth Star.

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