Commander Chakotay
Home region: Born on Dorvan V

Year of Birth: 2335

Parents: Son of Kolopack

Education: Starfleet Academy, 2350-54

Martial status: single

Stafleet Career Summary:

This onetime Starfleet lieutenant commander resigned from his position as an instructor in Starfleet's Advanced Tactical Training in 2370 to join the Maquis.

2373 field promotion to lieutenant commander, first officer
From the Voyager bible:

The Firast Officer is a complex- some would say difficult-man. His background is unique: he spans two cultures, onefoot in each, belonging to both and yet toneither, In the 22nd century, a group of Indian traditionalists became dissatidfied with the "homogenization" of humans that was occuring on Earth. Strongly motivated to preserve their cultural identity, they relocated to a remote planet near what has now become known as the Demilitarized Zone.

Chakotay is a member of that Indian nation. Always individualistic, what his people called a "contrary," he broke from his people, educated himself in the ways of the 24th century, and attended Starfleet Academy. when he learned the Cardassians were attacking the Indians, he left Starfleet to defend them, joining the then-infant Maquis.

Chakotay practices the traditional rituals aboard Voyager. By the 24th century Indians have developed a technology ehich allows them to experience vision quests in a completely safe way; they have "mapped" the unconscious and are comfortable roaming there. Chakotay has a "spirit guide"- a timder wolf - which appears to him now in his decision-making process. He strikes an immediate and powerful bond with
Janeway, and an unusual one with Kim, who through Chakotay's example begins to question his own homogenization and the loss of his traditional values.