Carrie's Dyarie : )


I had no ideyah that medicol conferances were so muche fun.  Parties all night in expensive hotels!  Now that I know this, I might go to medical sckool!  And who knew that all docters are gorgeous and under 30?  Even the renowned specialists!  I can't tell Austin but I kind of like pretending to be Mike's girlfrend.  : D  He is dreemy.....  Oh wait, I am here to save my dad's life.  I am going to get to that after a few more tequilas and dances with Mike. 

 Buhbye, Carrie


If Austin really loved me he wood get a kool car like Mike's.  I think Austin is starting to like Sami.  I am very jelus.  Part of me thinks Sami is faking her amnezya.  But I know that cant be tru.  Wonce Austin moves to the country with Sami, I will never see him.  I might as well give up on him and go shopping for some lime green clothes.  I think I will, Bye.


I've been spending more and more time with Mike. I reelly like him. He's sooo smart. And he is buff too. Not that I don't like Awstin anymore. I still love Awstin but he and I never have time tagether anymore. It's not fair. I wish he didn't haf to spend all this time with Sami. I am so jelus : ( I am going to stay with Mike until Awstin comes back to me.


I am going to get back at Austin for choosing Sami's needs over mine by going out with Lucus tonite. That will make Austin jelus! Who cares about Lucas' feelings. He is just a wimpy shrimp. Where is my wite lipstick? I hope I didn't leave it in Sammi's apartment again. Oh that Sammi is such a spoyled brat. She always gets what she wants. Well, I am not puting up with her any more. I shuld just go tell her chubby a** the HOLE truth. But I won't. I do lov her because she is my half-sister but she has done a lot of mean stuf to make me unhappey.


I don't think Awstin and me will ever get marryed. Sami is always coming between us. I know I have to pretend that Sami is happily married to Awstin but I am getting sick of it! As soon as Sami gets out of the hospital I am going to get a BIG car and finish the job Awstin startid. Sami won't be coming bak frum the airplane runway this time, hahaha! Oh, wait I can't do that to my own sister. Instead I'll go wallow in self-pity. It is a good thing that being a Titan execativ doesnt require much of my time, so I have plenty of time to sit around, watch Sami with Awstin and Creye.


Hello, it iz me, Carrie, dieary. Its nice that my dieary iz the same egzact colors as my fingernails and barrettes. I am so sad. Awstin keeps spending time with sami insted of me. Even if she iz sik, I dont like it. I wish I coud think of a way to brake up there maridge. Oh well, insted I'll just go bleech my hair somemore. By by Dieary

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