John's Diary


Wouldn't you know it?  All that time I thought Stefano had Doc and really Kristen and Susan were hiding her in the wine cellar.  I guess I didn't notice because whenever I go to the wine cellar I am usually drunk.  Oh well, now that Doc is back I get to have sex with her all the time.  In fact, that's all we do. I knew there was a reason I loved her so
much ; )  We don't even talk to our kids anymore, we just let the nanny watch them.  I can't wait for our wedding (because afterwards we will have more sex).  I hope this wedding goes better than my last three (IzzyB gave birth, Kristen/Susan gave birth, and I was dressed as Elvis.....).  Well there's a pretty good chance my bride won't be going into labor this time.  I am pretty sure Doc isn't pregnant, although with all the =D sex we've been having anything is possible......


I hope I can rescue Doc from Stefano soon. I have no idea where he could have taken her. I wish she still loved me...Oh who am I kidding? She must still love me. I am such a stud. Go me. I have 3 children by 3 different mothers. Pretty soon, I'll be as studly as Stefano. You see, I pretend that I hate Stefano and his immoral life, but secretly I am jealous because he has more illegitimate children than me. Maybe after I save Doc, I'll stay married to Kristen but try to have some more children with Marlena....or that baby nurse Susan, she seems to like me a lot. I already have enough kids so that I can't remember all their birthdays. Like today when I couldn't remember Brady's. Of course, stud that I am, I remember when they were all conceived ; ) Well I better go save Doc now.......Bye Diary, John- the stud


That Vivian! She is always messing up people's lives. She went and told Kristen that I have feelings for Doc. So what if that is true! I don't see why my wife has to Know! I am just going to stay married to Kristen and help her raise John Jr. I won't even tell Kristen about the sexual fantasies I had about Doc while watching John Jr. in his incubator. After all, she might think that was a strange place to have such fantasies, especially if they were not about her. That could make her try to move out again. Gee, maybe that's not a bad idea.........


I sure did enjoy that groping session with Doc today in Kristen's hospital bed. I wish we could do that more often. If only Doc and I could be a family with our children, you know .....B.....B.... the Boy and the girl. Wait! is the boy hers? I seem to have forgotton.
Kristen had been acting very odd lately. She wanted to have sex just a few hours after the birth of our new baby ( have we named him? I can't remember that either ). Kristen must be a quick healer. I'll go know, bye diary.

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