Sami's Diary


No one can ever know that Lucas is really Will's father.  I don't really care if I keep that idiot, Austin anymore, but I don't want anyone to know I slept with that sleazy weasel Lucas!  That makes me even more slutty than my mother.  Who I am still very mad at!  I can't believe I agreed to be in the wedding party.  Too bad I am not the best man, so I could use the words 'moronic buffoon and adulterating tramp' in the toast.  Maybe I will make those suggestions to Abe, after all he was a good friend of my dad's.  I love torturing my sister.  Once Austin and I move to 'the country' I am not going to give her our address so that she can never see him.  Hehehe.  Well, I need to go to the hospital so I am going to pick out another blossom hat now.  Bye diary, Sami


I am such a nice girl. I keep remembering that my whole family was mad at me. I don't know why though. What could I, the nicest girl in the world have done to upset everyone so much? Maybe they were all just being mean. They must be jealous because I am so good and they are not. I'll ask Austin about all of this later. I trust him so much, I know that he would never lie to me. It's a bummer that my mom is missing again. I am sure that she will come back again though. She always does. Well, I better put Will down for his nap. It sure is convenient that he sleeps 22 hours a day. Bye now.


Hello diary,

Today was my daddy's funeral. It's been so long since he's called me peanut. I could't possibly take anymore bad news today. Like for example, I hope Austin doesn't have some deep, dark secret that he has been keeping from me so that I will remain untraumatized and get my memory back. I hope my dad's death is like last time when we *thought* he was dead but then, suprise he came back, well not really it was John, but then several years later he came back and I had two dads. My mom was really happy then. Austin sure does spend a lot of time with Carrie. It is so nice that they are both so concerned about me. I hope Carrie gets together with Lucas. They make such a cute couple, but if they get married and have kids I hope Lucas' baby doesn't have big ears and teeth like he does....wait Will has big ears and teeth! Well, it must run in Austin's family.

Bye for now,



I got to come home today. Now I can play with my dolls all the time. Maybe I will ask Kate to come over and play dolls with me. Since she and I are such good friends, and she took such a great interest in my dolls today. I am so happy to be home with Austin and Will, my happy family. I still wonder why Eric and my dad never call me, that's odd. I am so glad that Lucas and Carrie are going to that charity dinner together tonight I want my beloved sister Carrie to be as happy as I am with my wonderful husband Austin. Well bye for now diary.


I thought that Austin was having an affair with someone else tonight! But it turns out that the size 1 negligee he bought this evening was for me. I must have gained a lot of weight while in that coma. And the lipstick I found in his apartment was Carrie's. She must be helping him take care of Will. I am glad I am so close with Carrie, and my other sister, Belle. I wonder if I ever got to babysit her when she was really little. That must have been fun. I probably took her on little trips and stuff. I guess I'll ask my dad when he finally visits me. Odd that he has been out of town for so long isn't it. I am sure he usually stays in much better contact with the family when he is on top-secret assignments. How else could he and mom have such a perfect marriage? Just like mine and Austin's. Isn't it strange how much Will looks like his uncle Lucas? Too bad my son got his uncle's beaver teeth. Bye now.


I am beginning to get sick of that little rat of a brother Austin has! That little beaver, Lucas. He is annoying. Anyway, today Austin and I took a bath together in the middle of the physical therapy section of the hospital. Now this would be considered inappropriate at most hospitals but here it is completely normal. While we were there Austin said he loved me. I sure had to drag that out of him! Say.... maybe our marriage wasn't so happy after all. I'll have to ask Carrie all about it. Since we are so close and all. Well, catch ya later diary.


I have amnesia and I am paralyzed. This is no fun. I can't remember the last 4 years, 3 months and 2.7 days. Maybe Stefano gave me a laser procedure and erased my memory to the exact minute! But that wouldn't give him any reason to sleep with my mother so he probably didn't. Hmm... I could find out what happened in the past for years by reading the beginning of my diary. That's what I'll do! I'll get back to you later diary.

3/10/97 (later)

Oh my God!!!! Someone must have forged a diary of mine for the last four years! I couldn't have done any of the things the diary said I did. I am sweet and nice! I need Austin and my dad to comfort me. AAAAh! Austin come hold me and make me feel better.

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