Susan's Diary


I taaalked to mah sister the sister tah-day.  I love her, but I don't think she believes my story about The King bein' Elvis' daddy.  I wonder why she wants to talk ta him on the phone.  She must be a big fan like I am.  It's so nice to live in Salem and have a twin who isn't evil.  I hear that don't happen to often.  Dem Vampires sure do scare me.  Especially that MrStefanoDimera.  I hope they don't dig no more people up from their graves.  Lisa-Marie told me not to worry about it.  That Lisa-Marie sure is brave for a doll!  I gotta take littul Elvis shoppin for some more sequined clothes.  Bye now,  Susaaan


That Mrs John Black thing didn't work out too well did it, Lisa Marie?  Oh well, at least Doctor Marlena Evans can be happy with John now (Although her wedding dress is way to boring).  It doesn't matter anyway 'cause it looks like Elvis Sr and I is gonna get married.  Or maybe I will get married to Elvis Jr's daddy.  I can't tell anyone who he is just yet 'cause it would cause such a mess.  Maybe I'll go do a little alterin' to Doctor Marlena Evans' dress as a suprise........Nope, John and her is both in their room and they are....well busy as usual.  I gotta go get some ear plugs for me an' Elvis.  Bye now, Priscilla


I AM SO HAPPY.  I am gonna be Mrs John Black Presley in just a few more episodes and there is nothin' them mean ol' vampires can do to stop me!!!  Jaaawn is wearin' his Elvis outfit, and I look like his beloved Priscilla!!  I just hope that mean ol' MrStefanoDimira doesn't try to ruin maaaaah weddin' ta John.  I can't wait until the honeymoon.  We are gonna have so much fuuuuun.  I gotta keep Kristaaan and Doctuuur Evans in the basement until John really, really, really loves me. Isn't that right, Lisa Marie?


If you are an alien or a vampire, you put down mah diareee raaaaight now. I got garlic I can git you with. That mean ole Stefano Dimira has taken away mah best friend. Mah only friend. That ticks me off. I am gonna take Kristaan's place real soon. Then as soon as John loves me, I am gonna ask him ta save mah friend. I know he can too, because he is such a stud muffin. If that mean ole Kristaan threatens to burn down Graceland one more time, I am gonna whip her booty. She is soooo meeeean. Just like Ah tell mah Elvis "Sheeee's Eeeevil." Well, I better go before the aliens beam me up. Bye now


I am so glad that I know about my raaaights now. I have the raaaight to take my littuul Elvis ta Grayyyceland when he grows up ta be a big fella. I think that Doctuuur Evaaans thinks I'm stupid er somethin' I heard her say somethin' like that ta her tape recorder. Jooohn is so dreeeamy and naaahice, I get to live with him now, right in his house. I am so excited! Well I'll talk to ya later


I saaaw a head doctuuur tahday. I didn't tell her anything important cause I don't want to get into trouble with that mean Kristen. That Vivian is mean too. She grabbed me the other day. I just had a baby and she went and dragged me outside on to the patio! I like her friend Ivan though. He's cah-yute. But he's not as dreamy as my John!! I love my husband. I bet once I tell him the truth about Kristen he'll leave her and live with me. Oh goody! Elvis, Lisa Marie, John and I will be a family. I can't wayyyyt.


Wayull, I went down to the hospital today to see my baby Elvis. Elvis is a good name for mah boy 'cause I already gots a baby named Lisa Marie. I also haave a pet fish name Priscilla. Once I had this crazy neighbor with all these cats and one of them tried to eat Priscilla. The neighbor's name was Mary. She tried to take Lisa Marie once... but then she mumbled sumthin' about her bein' a doll. I guess she thought she was just cute.

Yesterday I gave blood for mah boy an' I got to talk to my husbaaand. He's so cute. I wonder why Kristen's always in such a bad mooood with a man like that around. If she keeps bein' so mean ta me, I'm gonna tayull him the truth.


Whaaahy is Kriiistaaaan sow mean to meee? Thut's maahy bayby she has and I want him back. She gone and made him sick takin' care a him. I'm a better muther thun she is. Just ask maaahy dooooolls. I treat them just like they was my kids. Some peopuul think that's 'cause I'm nuts, buuut I just like takin' care a kids which is why I want maaahy baybee back. I am gonna move in with that dreeemy new husbaand of maahine and we gonna raise our littul baybee.

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