Faux Your Information: Marlena Evans Brady

From SOW, typed up and sent by Shadysha (Janet), in her newsletter = )

Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember

Least Favorite Movie: The Exorcist

Dumbest Thing I Ever Did: Believe Stefano when he said he was reformed

If I Could Do One Thing Differently, I'd: Pay more attention to what my daughter, Sami, was up to.

Best Humor Heard Recently: That my son, Eric, might be coming back to Salem

Occupation: Psychiatrist, but my practice is limited to one patient at a time, not counting my good friend and colleague, Dr. Laura Horton.

Everyone Knows: I'm perfect.

No One Knows (Even My Psychiatrist): That I've fantasized about Stefano.

Strongest Belief: Sami is a good person, just misunderstood.

Biggest Regret: If I had known about Kristen's pillow-baby, I would have slugged her in the belly. I still might.

Favorite Terms to Describe Kristen: Slut, bitch, evil, conniving and vile

My Hero And Love: John Black

When No One Is Watching: I practice writing "Mrs. John Black" on my prescription pad.

Best Quality: Even my enemies love me.

If I Couldn't Be A Psychiatrist, I'd be: An advice columnist

My Children Are Not: Screwed up.

Most Important Possession: My children (but I'd rather not use the word possession).

Favorite State Of Being: Superiority

Favorite Way Of Having God Answer My Prayers: Pray out loud.

Favorite TV Program: Three's Company

How I Spent The Last Few Years: One love left me, the other was almost executed twice; I was drugged; I was possessed by the devil; I became a grandmother for the first time, and I'm way young for that; I was kidnapped by a monster and held captive in a gilded cage; my grandson was kidnapped; my daughter was badly injured in an auto accident and suffered paralysis and amnesia.

Favorite Fantasy: To do something a little perverted on the couch with John Black while we watch a rerun of The Brady Bunch. Oops, I shouldn't have said that.

No One Remembers: That Stefano cloned me. So, I don't understand why he didn't simply fall for one of my clones - I would.

Greatest Conviction: I'm certain that Stefano is dead and buried beneath the rubbles of Paris.

Greatest Fear(s): That Stefano is actually not dead , and that John Black really isn't John Black but Stefano. That makes my skin crawl, though in a not entirely repulsive way.

If I Had One Wish: Everyone would be as noble as I am.

Quality I Like Most In A Man: Intelligence

Quality I Like Most In A Woman: Honesty

Cause I Believe In Most: I support the Horton Center.

Hobbies: Watching Kristen nurse John's baby; discussing John's marriage with a priest.

If I Can't Have John Black: God won't let that happen.

What I Do When I'm Feeling Blue: Stroll along Salem docks (I sometimes think of myself as the doc on the dock); or walk in the park and counsel the pathetic people I see sitting on park benches crying.

Special thanks to Shadysha = )

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