Parody of Our Lives IV

[Austin, Sami, Carrie, Mike and Lucas are all in Austin's apartment]

Austin:  Do you remember the past yet, Sami?

Sami:  No, I don't Austin.  Will you kiss me and make me feel better?

Austin:  Of course.

 [Kisses her for about 7 minutes while the others watch, Mike puts his hand on Carrie's shoulder to comfort her, Austin sees and gives Mike an EVIL look]

Austin:  Mike, take your hands off Carrie.

Carrie:  He is only comforting me because you are kissing Sa........

Sami:  Why do you need comfort when Austin kisses me?

[Laura and Kate enter]

Kate:  [While snooping for the blackmail info among Sami's things] Because Carrie and Austin are in LOVE, DAMMIT.  Just like Bo and Billie.  They would be married if it weren't for you. [Using fork to force open Sami's jewelry box] You psychotic little tramp.

Laura:  They would NOT!  Mike and Carrie are going to get married.  They are so right for each other.  Just like John and Marlena.

Carrie:  Both of you are wrong about me!  You should both mind your own business and stop messing with other people's lives.  Anyway, I am going to marry Bill Horton just to tick both of you *itches off.  

Mike:  Say hi to dad for me.

Lucas: Me too.

Carrie:  No problem.

[In the secret room......]

Marlena:  Oh John!  I love you so.  You must save me so I can tell you the truth about your "wife".  She's evil, John and after I tell you, we can finally be together.

Kristen:  [over the monitor intercom thing]  I don't think so DOC!  I am going to keep John, and we are going to raise Johnny, Brady and Belle together.   Nanna nanna boo boo.

Marlena:  NO!  You won't because John will find me.  Even if he is a Pop-Tart (fruit filling for brains), he always manages to save me.  

Kristen:  Pop-Tart!  That's a good one.  [Doubles over laughing]

Marlena:  Thanks.

Kristen:  John is so dumb, Stefano once sold him ocean front property in Wyoming.

Marlena:  No!

Kristen:  Yep.  That's what started their whole rivalry.  He looked for weeks around his new property for the ocean.  Finally he figured out that there was none, and he got really mad at Stefano.

Marlena:  Wow, that's the secret of John's past!  What a moron.  I don't want him anymore, you can have him.

Kristen:  No thanks.  He isn't good enough for either of us.  Want to go to Salem Place with me?

Marlena:  Sure.  Let's take my car and see if he notices it missing from the garage.

Kristen:  Ok, let's go.

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