The Michael Douglas Photo Gallery:

Here's where you can view and/or download pictures of Michael from his movie "A Perfect Murder."

A Perfect Murder Gwyneth Paltrow and Michael Douglas Share a Kiss
The Poster
The poster from Michael's new thriller.
Michael comforts a traumatized Gwyneth after the murder attempt. Huge!
Michael enveloped in darkness.
The Kiss
Michael embraces Gwyneth Paltrow.
An Evil Pose...
Michael in deep thought.
The Kiss 2
A smaller version of the above photo.
The Conversation
Michael uses his cell phone as the blackmail begins.
The Knife
Gwyneth is frightened of Michael.
Michael meets the lover at an art gallery soiree.
Stylish Shades
Michael walking down the street in sunglasses.
Head Shot
Good, solid close-up.
Stylish Shades II
Another version of the above photo.
On the Bed
Sitting on the bed.
The Fateful Night
At the party.
Cracking open his wife's bedroom door.
Not Avon Calling
Preparing to meet her lover by calling for art.
Dark and Evil
Close-up screen capture from the movie.
The Bitter Husband
Michael suspects the affair.
It Begins
The murder plot is born.
Police Questioning
Michael and Gwyneth talk to the cops.
The Perfect Alibi
Michael plays poker with his buddies.
Enjoying the Ride
Looking dark in the back of his limo after discovering the affair.
Kitchen Scare
Michael asks Gwyneth to put the knife down.
The Loving Husband?
Michael marks his "territory" at the art party.
City View
Michael enjoys a cigar on his balcony overlooking the city.
Great Scene
"That's not happiness to see me, is it?"
In the Loft
Michael points the finger at the lover.
Enjoying a cigar before plotting the murder.
Art Critic
Inspecting the lover's artwork.
Michael's office in the movie.
Playing Games with the Police
Recounting the crime with a detective.
Getting Grabby
That isn't happiness to see me.
Making a deal with the lover.
Angry at the Party
Michael becomes angry at the party.
Caught Red Handed
Michael's finances are revealed.
The Perfect Couple
With his wife at the art gallery party.
Michael shakes hands at the party.
Michael in his office chair.
Recorded Questioning
The couple talk to the police.
Turning Tables
The tables turn on Michael.
Train Money Exchange
Michael on the train.
More Questioning
The cops continue to record their accounts.
At the Park
Michael meets in the park.
Dining with his wife.
The Boardroom
At work.
The Apartment
Interior shot of the couple's penthouse.
Behind the Scenes
Shooting "APM"
Busy Businessman
Michael at work.
International Art
Cool foreign poster art.
Power Deals
Making a deal.
Grabbing Gwyneth on the street
Romantic Dinner
Enjoying a fancy dinner
Unwanted Kiss
With Gwyneth

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updated September 8, 1999