Welcome to the Ultimate Jokes Homepage!

In this hompage, you'll find lots of jokes like yo momma, blonde, redneck, poopy, lawyer, emailed jokes and much much more. There are also lots of cools links to entertaining places I've found online, just stop by and check them out. I wouldn't post those links if they weren't helpful or entertaining.

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The jokes contained on this page do not reflect the views of the creator nor are they intended to degrade other people. They are merely jokes intended for entertainment purpose, not to bash blondes, lawyers, nor people of different race or gender. If you believe these jokes to be offensives, leave this site, do not email me complaining. I don't hate anyone or group of people mentioned in these jokes. I only posted these jokes as a collection for others who can take these jokes lightheartedly.

Type of Jokes

Blonde Jokes #1
Blonde Jokes #2 (Submitted by Visitors)
Lawyer Jokes
Poopy Jokes Submitted by: ~§ Vîpêr©®™ §~
Redneck Jokes
Your Mama Jokes
Long Jokes #1 (Sent By Other Visitors)
Long Jokes #2 (Sent By Other Visitors)
Long Jokes #3 (Sent By Other Visitors)
Long Jokes #4 (Sent By Other Visitors)
Long Jokes #5 (Sent By Other Visitors)
Jokes From Other Visitors #1
Jokes From Other Visitors #2
Jokes From Other Visitors #3
Jokes From Other Visitors #4
Jokes From Other Visitors #5
Jokes From Other Visitors #6
Jokes From Other Visitors #7
Jokes From Other Visitors #8
Pickup Lines #1
Pickup Lines #2
Pickup Lines #3

Submit good and bad pickup lines

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Email me if you have any jokes of any type that you are willing to share.

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