Pics courtesy (the former) Pictorial BeeGees. Thanks Kathy!!
It is no big suprise for the people who know me that the BeeGees are on my homepage. It is pretty much a given. It is the least I could do to honor a band whose music has touched so many people to such an extent. They have touched me so much, that it has caused me to introduce their music to some of my closest friends, in hopes that the BeeGees will touch them as well. I have gotten an overwhelming positive response from these people, most of whom have taken a liking to the BeeGees. I am constantly trying to expose as many people as I can to their music, sort of like my quest. For those who are reading this who have not been touched with the BeeGees yet, visit For The Love of The BeeGees. It is an excellent site dedicated to the BeeGees, in my eyes, the greatest band of all time. Also recommended is their latest album, "Still Waters", which is currently in stores. They recieved much praise for their first single off the album, "Alone", and is currently enjoying success of their latest single, "Still Waters Run Deep".
Click here to see the coolest birthday card ever made!!!

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