This issue's edition brought to you by R.J.

There is a god of toyland and it seems to be Todd McFarlane. After years, and I do mean years, of pining for a Snake Plissken figure of my very own, Todd and co. are in the process of creating the slippery outlaw for all of us to escape with. Using the ESCAPE FROM L.A. Snake, the prototype below shows the craft and precision that McFarlane is noted for. I cannot wait to get an army of this figure. Look for Snake to escape into toy stores with the Movie Maniacs III line later in 2000. I can hardly wait to see what he will be packaged with (the core burner, please Todd include the core burner!)

Making JC characters into toys is no new concept for McFarlane as Michael Myers was part of an earlier MOVIE MANIACS line. Also to be part of the III wave is a THING figure. I've been told it will be the Blairmonster with possibly, the Spider head Norris as his acompanyment. That would way cool.

I do have one more Carpenter request as far as figures for McFarlane, Captain Blake from THE FOG. He would just be so cool in his ragged, seaweed strewn late 1800s attire. And those glowing red eyes and rusty cutless. I even have the perfect accessories, Father Malone's decapitated head (well, I'm sure Hal Holbrook would not like that but so what?), and the gold cross. As far as the background to be provided, how about either the interiors of the church where Malone met his fate, or part of the Elizabeth Dane, or the lighthouse. Yes, I am getting on a tagent here, yes I think it would amazing to have a Captain Blake, I could easily pair him up with the Blairmonster. (Partiallly, so I could hold another Rob Bottin creation in my mitts, well, actually if McFarlane made this, I would be holding Rob Bottin technically, as the FX lord was Captain Blake). So how about it Todd? For Movie Maniacs IV, give us Captain Blake. You can find out more about McFarlane Toys at

12/28/99 UPDATE: WELL not exactly John Carpenter toy news but something that we here at PO! are positively slam dang happy about brand new images of McFarlane's awesome Rob Zombie action figure can be seen here: McFarlane Guide

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