"I'm afraid becuase you're the single most important being to grace my existense.
Andie. I am falling hopelessly in love with you. " -
pacey. 1/20/99

It seems to be a common occurance among Dawson's Creek fans recently. Everyone is falling in love with Pacey & Andie. And i have fallen too. I don't know what it is about them that keeps me hanging on their every sarcastic word, and closely watching every glance they give each other. They warm my heart to the point that it seems to melt. There's just something about Pacey & Andie that is almost, magical. I have always been fond of Pacey. I'm sure part of that was my love for Joshua Jackson (since way back in the mighty ducks days), but with the addition of Andie, i've watched his character evolve into this wonderful enchanting person. It's just perfection. I know that there are many Pacey & Andie sites out there already, but i just *needed* to get my love for the fictional couple out there, for the world to see.

The purpose of this site is simple. I've made little buttons that you can place on your site, so that everyone knows Pacey & Andie have stolen your heart. Your site doesnt need to be about pacey & andie, or dawson's creek. It can be about anything. You just need to love Pacey & Andie. All i ask is that you sign my guestbook, so i know who has added the code, and that you put up the code with link.

So thank you for dropping by, and i hope to see these logo's on internet site's everywhere!

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Pacey: "I'd like to scrump with you any day of the week."
Andie: "If it were the right time and place you would want to right?"
Pacey: "Oh hell yes"

they make me want to explode. or implode.