"...strange profession for a woman" - Call

Enona: bounty hunter, killer of rattlesnakes, dispenser of medication and Call's first...well....whatever after Hannah's death -- that we know of at least. Enona was only featured in two episodes, but The Sikes Family has a sneaking suspicion that she would have been back if the show had been renewed for a third season.

Enona is an interesting character - not a gal that women want to be friends with, but according to the husband of the webmistress - "there's just something about a woman with weapons!" We suppose that says it all for now! Kathrine Kelly Lang can be found on The Bold and the Beautiful.

Thanks to online buddy "Bridleless", we have the following links:

The Katherine Kelly Lang Fansite

Glorious Katherine Kelly Lang

If you know any additional scoop, please e-mail us: s_sikes@yahoo.com.

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