In The Beginning.....


He was born and raised in Apple Valley Minnesota. At birth he was named Vincent Paul Kartheiser, it was earlier thought he was named Christopher Peter Kieffer, but it has been brought to my attention that he is indeed named Vincent, he has never been called Chris. He began stage acting at The Minneapolis Childrens Theater Company around the age of 6 or 7, he was following in the steps of his older sister Collette who also acted at the Company.

In 1988 he appeared in the play 'The Velveteen Rabbit', he was 9 years old. Here is what the Pioneer Press (a local newspaper) had to say about Vinnie.

"Perhaps as compensation, Olson (*the man who adapted the story into a play for The Company*) has made the boy and his grandmother (well played by 9 year old Vincent Kartheiser and June Gibbons) more prominent in the play. This 'Velveteen Rabbit' focuses mostly on the boy's emotions and, in particular, on his growing understanding that with love come both joy and pain. Olson handles this and other subjects, such as the boy's quarrels with his grandmother, realistically and with sensitivity. This shift in focus, however, leaves our poor bunny a sometimes lumpish, underanimated creature on the stage."

Later at the age of 11 he starred in the play 'Pippi Longstocking'. In October 1990 he toured across the United States and Canada appearing in 53 cities to be in the play. At every show The Company received rave reviews for their portrayal of the play.

In September 1992 he played the young Jim Hawkins in 'Treasure Island'. Once again, here is what Pioneer Press had to say about his performance.

"Vincent Kartheiser gives a commendable performance as young Jim Hawkins. Kartheiser is natural and unaffected, and his brave speech to the pirates is a fine piece of work."

At the tender age of 14 he traveled to Los Angeles by himself to try to break into the entertainment industry. By the time he left Hollywood he had received a small part in a movie titled "Untamed Heart".