Gabriella - 02/20/98 04:17:32
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): Female
How'd you locate us?: Just surfed on!
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like it?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like it?: Definetly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sofia - 02/19/98 10:35:03
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): age:15, female
How'd you locate us?: ??????????
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: yes
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: some..........
Did you like it?: yes

hallo!!!!!!! i´m a girl from sweden. just wanted to write abit. bye bye :sofia ;-.)

Milton Thacker - 02/18/98 21:49:16
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): male
How'd you locate us?: searched the web
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: yes
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: parts of it
Did you like it?: It was ok.

I enjoy the series,"Teen Angel'', but I do have a question ; How will the writers explain the fact that Marty will probably start matchuring as the series goes along, assuming it lasts more than 2 seasons ? I would also like to say ''Hello'' , to Corbin. I'm writing from South Carolina.

Caroline Morris - 02/18/98 18:07:20
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 10 Female
How'd you locate us?: Older sister
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Duh!!
Did you like it?: Duh again!!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: No
Did you like it?: ????

Corbin is hot!!!

Autumn - 02/17/98 22:00:42
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 13 female
How'd you locate us?: friend
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: It is awsome
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: sadly,no.

I watch Teen Angel every week.I love that show sooooooo much.

Rick - 02/17/98 00:45:45
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 18, Male
How'd you locate us?: AltaVista, while looking up something totally unrelated
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yes. I watch it and "Sabrina" every Friday.
Did you like it?: Absolutely! I think it's a great little show. Very entertaining and, well, cute.
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: Unfortunately, no. I never knew about it until now.
Did you like it?: I bet I will if I get the chance to see it.

I just wanted to say that, as a young guy with acting ambitions of my own, I really admire Corbin Allred and hope to see more of his work, especially the more serious stuff. He's obviously very talented, and I have a feeling he's really going to go place . Oh, and my best female friend wants to state publicly that she thinks Corbin Allred is *damn* good-looking. And, even I must admit, she is right. Unfortunately, not all of us can be blessed with freakishly good genes. ^_~

corbina - 02/16/98 19:00:02
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 15.......female
How'd you locate us?: just surfed on in
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like it?: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you like it?: it rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

doesn't it just that we share(almost) the same name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm off to

Alethia Badillo - 02/15/98 15:19:55
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 16/f
How'd you locate us?: Surfing
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yeah
Did you like it?: a lot
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: All of them
Did you like it?: I loved them!!

well, this is a cool page, but i was hoping to expect something more, like corbin's likings, kind of a fact sheet about him, not only his profesional career, i mean, also his likings, his age, his b'day,and that kinda stuff... but indeed, there good stuf! :)

Erin Pickel - 02/15/98 01:18:11
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 13/ F
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: of course!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: yes
Did you like it?: yes


JiLL - 02/12/98 09:48:05
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 14f
How'd you locate us?: yahoo, searching 4 teen angel
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: hell yeah!
Did you like it?: of course!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: heard of it, i think, maybe once or something
Did you like it?: NO idea

hey, this page is pretty kewl!! i didn't know corbin had an email! maybe i'll email him l8rs, well, keep up the gr8 work, and u need more pix of mike damus in here!!! =) nah, nah, it's true, but still, gr8 page, keep up the awesome work! =)

JiLL - 02/12/98 09:39:00
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 14f
How'd you locate us?: yahoo
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: of course


Venessa - 02/11/98 23:08:07
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): Female 18
How'd you locate us?: Yahoo!
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Never missed a show!
Did you like it?: Of Course!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: No
Did you like it?: No

I LOVE your website!!!!!:)

Sarah - 02/09/98 01:32:36
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 13/Female
How'd you locate us?: Yahoo
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yeah
Did you like it?: It's my faveorite show!!!!!!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: Nope
Did you like it?: Don't Know???

I LOVE your page!!!!!! Keep it up!!!!!!! If any Corbin Allred fans wanna e-mail feel free I love getting e-mail!!!!!!!

Jason Kapera - 02/08/98 18:43:35
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 17-Male
How'd you locate us?: Yahoo
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yes
Did you like it?: YES
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: No
Did you like it?: I dunno

Teen Angel is my favorite show out of the 3 on ABC! Keep up the good work Corbin! -The Jay Man

Robin Maughan - 02/07/98 22:18:05
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 16
How'd you locate us?: Search on Yahoo
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: No
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: Yes ALL!
Did you like it?: Yes

I think that corbin is a wonderful actor and myself an actor to i would like to be like him An Excellent web page just for him.

Jon Murray - 02/07/98 20:36:23
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 14/m
How'd you locate us?: Yahoo
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: all the time
Did you like it?: of course
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: yes
Did you like it?: no

Although your a guy your damm ghood looking but myt sister want to see your chest So how do you like working with Mike and Jordan? Big Fan Jon

Billy - 02/01/98 05:01:07
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): undecidedj/k male/17
How'd you locate us?: yahoo
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: of course
Did you like it?: yeah baby
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: I've got them on tape
Did you like it?: it's my life

I think Corbin,Mike,and Jordan are sooo sexy!

Rebekah Fordham - 01/31/98 21:16:02
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): Female/14
How'd you locate us?: Yahoo!
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yeah buddy!!
Did you like it?: yes!!!!!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: unfortunately no:(
Did you like it?: I probably would've

I think Corbin is pretty gosh darn cute! I LOVE Teen Angel and all of the cast(except for the twins they give me the creeps, sorry no offense). Keep up the great work and thank you for your time. Have a nice day. peace to the world. A wise man once said and I quote "Shake,Shake,Shake...Shake ,Shake,Shake..Shake your booty, Shake your booty!"

Kristin Gowens - 01/31/98 21:04:27
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): Female/14
How'd you locate us?: Netscape
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: YES!!!!!
Did you like it?: YES!!!!!!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: YES!!!
Did you like it?: YES!!!!

I think Corbin is so Cute!He looks good all the time.I wish I could meet him!!!I would someday want to see the tapeing of Teen Angel!Just to see him!

Johanna - 01/31/98 13:01:01
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 14
How'd you locate us?: a search engine
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: nooph
Did you like it?: I don't now
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: Of corse
Did you like it?: I Love it

Ooo god he is the most wonderfula actar in the Time Warrior series. He is very cute I think. Och till alla som kan svenska och förstår det här vill jag bara säga att Corbin Allred är väldigt söt. Hej pingela om du läser det här. I think this page need more information about Corbin. /Johanna

diane. - 01/31/98 08:30:56
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 19/f
How'd you locate us?: by magic
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yup
Did you like it?: actors-A+, material-C
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: no
Did you like it?: is this a trick question? ;)

Wow, it must be great to have so many wonderful fans. I just hope it doesn't inflate too many heads. Corbin, you're cool--but, gosh, I've got a lot of competion out there, don't I? Well, I never said I didn't love a challenge ;) I hope ABC keeps Steve and Marty alive next season.

Diane - 01/28/98 22:28:00
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 10/F
How'd you locate us?: Yahoo
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: All the Time
Did you like it?: I dont like it. I LOVE IT.
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: No

I Only Wacth Teen Angel Because I LOVE Mike Damus. You should open a Mike Damus page. BUT, I still like your website and think it's cool. Good Job!

Yin Zhen - 01/27/98 01:22:00
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 14/F
How'd you locate us?: Yahoo
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yes
Did you like it?: Yes
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: No

I love the page!!! Corbin kicks some major ---!!!

Sofia Petridou - 01/26/98 10:55:50
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): Female 13
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yes
Did you like it?: Very much
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: yes
Did you like it?: Yes, very very much


Talia - 01/25/98 01:34:24
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): Female, 16
How'd you locate us?: playing on HIS computer
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: of course
Did you like it?: yes
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: not yet

Keep up your awesome work and when we come to California, you'll have to come hang out with us again-k- Well I'll see you when you come home!!

Cloey546 - 01/24/98 17:10:02
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 13/F
How'd you locate us?: Fansites
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yup
Did you like it?: Yup
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: Nope
Did you like it?: ???

Corbin is so fine!!!

Sunshiney - 01/24/98 03:00:56
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 16, f.
How'd you locate us?: Geocities-banner
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Nope!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: Nope!


This place is Nice!


Gro Ståhläng - 01/22/98 13:59:58
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 15 and I am female
How'd you locate us?: I saw one of his movies
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: No, I don` t think so
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: No

I saw Josh Kirby Time warrier or what`s the name is and I became a big fan of Josh Kirby ( Corbin Allred )

Mindy - 01/22/98 04:03:16
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): female/16
How'd you locate us?: Aleece Allred
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yes
Did you like it?: I love it!!!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: no

Hi Corbin, I am Aleeces friend Mindy. Your Awesome, just like your sis.

Jennifer - 01/19/98 19:31:21
My Email:jennifer_mcd
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 17 1\2 female
How'd you locate us?: just cruising
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: of course!!!
Did you like it?: you'd better believe it!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: sorry, can;t say that I have.
Did you like it?: couldn't tell ya.

I watch that show every friday. It's da bomb!

Maria - 01/17/98 22:10:21
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 18 Female
How'd you locate us?: fansites..
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: hasn´t go here in Sweden
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: Yes
Did you like it?: Of course...but it is hasn´t finfished here yet it was only the 4:th episode

Corbin is cute....... I hope that I´m gonna meet him someday, this page was good.. The address to fansites: There are all famous actors/actresses both adults and kids.. Corbin is at actors page..and look for the letter C very friendly greetings from Maria

Talia - 01/16/98 14:49:33
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 16-female
How'd you locate us?: from Search
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Nope
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: YUP!
Did you like it?: Yeah!!He's so cute in there!

Well....I just wanna know why Corbin look so different now?I prefer him when he was in "Time Warrior", he look so cute with those hair and I think he look better as a blond..:) Corbin,if u are reading this,grow your hair back like the one in "Time Warrior", you look fabulous with those hair!!:)

Jessica - 01/16/98 01:37:02
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 14/F
How'd you locate us?: Just browsing
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: I love it!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: no
Did you like it?: can't say

I like the angel better than Corbin but he's still cool.

April - 01/12/98 06:42:51
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 19/F
How'd you locate us?: just surfing
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: I Watch It Every Friday!
Did you like it?: I LOVE IT!
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: no

I'm glad I have finally found a page about Corbin. He is a GREAT actor. He's also fine!! Good luck in your career Corbin!

aleece - 01/11/98 22:46:45
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 15/female
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes!!!!
Did you like it?: yes!!!!

hey! it's me. keep up the good work!! i love you tonz, and can't wait for you to come home. thanks for everything you do. love ya!!!!!

lauren - 01/11/98 19:15:18
My URL:http://?????
My Email:?????
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): female 13
How'd you locate us?: internet
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: every friday
Did you like it?: love it
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: never

i love that show . It would be wicked if everybody could have their own angle. You guys are so cute and hope to see you doing movies.

Tim and Brandon - 01/11/98 05:34:57
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): both 16
How'd you locate us?: We LOVE his sister
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: absolutely

Just so all you girls know, Corbin is 18. He is such a stud. He's the MAN! We look up to him because he's soooo cool! We respect him alot. He's such a good influence and role model. His sister is as hot as he is...maybe even hotter! She's 15, a gre t soccer player and such a babe. It must run in the family. We've known him personally for a while and wish he'd come home to see us more often. Good luck you "Teen Angel" Hope to see you soon!!

Vanessa - 01/11/98 00:59:06
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 16 Female
How'd you locate us?: called up
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: yes
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: no
Did you like it?: n/a

I think Teen Angel is a great t.v. show, I watch it every week and when I can't I tape it. Corbin I think you are fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mike and Jordan I also think you guys are fine. LOVE YOU GUYS, VANESSA P.S. Please e-mail me Iwould really like that. :o)

Stacy - 01/10/98 21:27:46
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 14, female
How'd you locate us?: celebsite
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: yes
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: no
Did you like it?: ------------

I think in the bio. you should have his age. Other than that it's a pretty cool page.

MOM - 01/10/98 21:03:07
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: YES!YES!YES!ALL!
Did you like it?: The BEST
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: many times
Did you like it?: better watching than making

It's fun to read all the fan mail on the net. I'm Corbin's MOM. Not only is he a great actor but he's a great man! Anyone that spent any time with him would love him. Wish all you girls could meet him personally...he'd LOVE that. After this season of Te n Angel he'll be making a movie or two and waiting to see if ABC picks up Teen Angel for next year. In his off time he often hangs out with Mike and Jordon from the show. But his real passions are rock climbing, flyfishing, paintballing, and playing his guitars. On the set during the breaks, "the boys" hang out in the dressing rooms and write songs...I wish you all could hear them. Keep writing in..he really does get all the mail and loves to read it. When he finishes the season he'll get around to ans ering. Thanks for the support for a really GREAT guy!

Dutchess - 12/29/97 20:13:34
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 19/F
How'd you locate us?: Surfin
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: Yes
Did you like it?: Love it
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: No, But I love RHMIT, And intend to watch the Josh Kirby series.

I've read all the other coments and noticed that some people know what they are talking about, stating how wonderful of an actor Corbin is. I'd like to say that the best comments were made by Megan, Beth, Breann, Eve, Sunni, Leanne, Sailor, Star and Katn ght. They had good comments. And I think it was really cool of that writer guy, Steve to sign your g-book too. And it was GREAT of Corbin's friends to give hime props and stuff, support from buds is always great! I'd like to say you have a very fantasti page here, dedicated to a very fantasic actor. Thank you, that's my comment.

Megan - 12/25/97 08:35:58
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): 17 female
How'd you locate us?: newsgroup
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: yes
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: some of them
Did you like it?: it was ok

Great site. I'm glad there's finally a website for Corbin. He's a wonderful actor.

Beth - 12/24/97 21:41:34
Age -Male/Female (answer both questions): Female age 20
How'd you locate us?: just looking around
Have you ever seen Teen Angel?: yes
Did you like it?: very much
Seen the Josh Kirby series?: yes
Did you like it?: they are very interesting

My cousin and I watched 1-4 of the Josh Kirby series and we liked them. We searched every video store for 5 and 6 and couldn't find them. Corbin Allred is a very gifted actor and I wish him the best of luck. God Bless.

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