A Journey of a Thousand Miles
Begins with but a Single Step

I believe that very few people find their true sole mate, God truly blessed me the day that Mark & I united together as "one". Mark

is/has been my rock, my love, and my destiny. For without him,

and with God’s strength,I would not be sitting here today. Mark,

has taught me many things though our years together like what it

means to truly love someone. . .my Mark has shown and given to

me a meaning to the word "love" that I never knew existed. Through

the sixteen years of marriage, we have walked many paths together

and yet on some of those paths Mark would have to walk alone, be-

cause my path had taken a curve to search for "recovery". He has

always "believed" in me, while always pointing out my strengths,

instead of my weaknesses. We have an " UN-conditional" love not only

for each other, but for "life". It has always been the simple things

in our lives, that have made us the happiest.

I recently found a special note in my Bible that Mark had written to

me on Valentine’s Day as follows:

Dearest Terry,

I can’t believe it’s been almost fifteen years since we met.

I can still remember that day, over at our friends

apartment, when we met. I remember all of the

questions you were askingme; I got a real laugh

over your curiosity. Your interest was obviously taken

well to heart.

Someone famous once said "love conquers all". I’m

not sure if that’s true, but I do know you have had my

heart conquered for almost fifteen years. You have helped me

grow in so many ways. You have been more than a friend and

lover. I am grateful for the passion, humor, support we

have shared over the years. Whenever I hear a

"Jimmy Buffet" or "Mary Chapin Carpenter" song,

I think of us, together, just as it should always be.

All My Love,Mark

 must say that the tears flowed while reading such a thoughtful gesture on Mark’s part, but then this is my Mark. We share our

sensitivity, our secrets, our dreams, our hopes and our prayers. Our

prayers is a valued part of our lives. As we walk together on earth,

we know that by our faith in God that we will also walk together in


ark and I are both ole’ "parrot heads" knowing that one day, we will have a "Cheeseburger in Paradise" and that "Come Monday every-

thing will be all right", but while we may never make it to "Marguaritaville"; I will always be his "Brown Eyed Girl".

Mark’s dream for the two of us, is to eventually retire by the coast of

North Carolina, with not only a "Change in Latitude", but a

"Change in Attitude" because nothing remains quite the same and if

we couldn’t laugh with visions of good times then we would both go in

sane. If it is meant in God’s plan for us - then this is the "journey"

that we will persue. The only thing better than falling in live with you, is growing deeper in love with you. The only words more meaningful to me than saying "I do"

is "I always will". For my beloved husband, Always, Terry

Last Updated: January 22, 2000

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