Support People



As I travel down "memory lane" ( as I often do), I think about how
grateful I am that God placed such


in my life that have shown how much they care. . .
Battling with Panic/Anxiety Disorders,
Depression/Bipolar. I realize that no one could
possibly understand, unless of course they have been
through the torture and humiliation that these disorders can create
to make a person feel demoralized. It is like a
sometimes I feel that I should place a
on all of my doors, maybe windows also.
What the average person does not realize is:
YES, everyone experiences some levels of anxiety and
some levels of depression, but what if they had to
wake up to it each day and yet had to face
another and, another and, and yet another day of it?

I am eternally grateful for the people in my life that have not pitied me
or made me feel < (less than), but instead offered comfort, support, and
never said, "You just need to get over it and get on with your life. . .
There would not be a convention center large enough for all of us
"web friends", although it certainly is a nice thought.

I would assume that there are alot of 'others of you that would agree
that some of the people that have been closest to you
suddenly disappear once they find out about our
quote - "Mental Ilness"- unquote
including family,friends,co-workers,ect. . .They just can't seem to find the time
to get over anymore - and that time that is used for other things
can leave myself and others feeling depressed, angry, feeling less than,
hoplessness , ect. It has taken me a long time to realize that wanting
certain people to love and care for me was got going to happen -
you cannot beg someone to love you, to care fo you, or to even
be their for you in a time of need. It is just not going to happen.
Personally, I have beat myself against a wall, filled with tears more times
than I would like to admit.

I still slip sometimes and let those "unhealthy people" stop in, but for the most I have tried to "build a wall" and "set boundaries for people that continuously hurtme. This can certainly be a difficult decision, but after being hurt so many times - I know that this is what is healthy for me. This way, I can try and not have high expectations out of certain people. It’s funny how I can look back in life and remember that as long as I wasconsidered a "well person", I had lots of people around, but I relapsed and things went back to what some people consider AB-normal. I guess it is hard for a person to deal with, if they do not understand, but then if they do not try and understand then they will never be able to share the "bad" and the "good." Everyone hasdays like this, but with an illness, it appears to be different. My philosophy is to just live life as best I can and I leave the rest to "God."



Last Updated: January 22, 2000

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