You want to know about me!
Here It Is!!
D.O.B-February 25,1947
I've been married for 28 years.
I live in Ontario.
As you well know I love cats.
And I have a lot of Nik.Naks.
Of guess what!!
I also collect porcelain dolls,
which I have to many to write about.
And they are all from Aston Drake Galleries,
or other Galleries.
I also collect miniature tea sets,which i
find on the Island where I spend my summer.
I also like to bicycle a lot,
since I don`t drive,
and I don`t think that i will,
drive since I am very nervous in a car.
I also like to chat on ICQ,
with my brother Georges and his wife Karen.
Also my sister Julie,
who got me started on the internet.
I would like to thank them all, for all the help,
they have given me to create this web page.
If it weren`t for them,
I don`t think I could do this,
beautiful web page that you see.
Once again
Thank You Karen,Georges and Julie.
Sincerely Yours,

Read My Cat Story!