ADDflower's list of other ADDers sites

I'm hoping to help to defragment the online community of ADDers. These are websites of other ADDers. There is a lot of information out there. Vist some of these people, get to know them, use their links... we are our own best resources. You never know, someone may even know where your car keys are....


A story by a woman who is homeschooling her ADD son. 
 Pitsburgh CHADD chapter 
Larry & Gloria's Homeapge: have a son with ADD and lots of links
 Leeal's HomePage 
 Guide to medical info and support on the internet 
 ADHD & ADD -page of an ADD mother with an ADD son. Has a good story. 
Site for Pitsburgh area CHADD 
 Malisa Warner's Homepage she and her daughter have ADD, this is some links they found useful
 ADD Plus by Tom Kreaseck 
 ADD in the UK based in the UK but for anyone with a connection to ADD, has a free "ADD or what!" Screen Saver
 ADD survey from someone that is working on a school project 
 Deb Shuck's Homepage not much yet but she's working on it
 Homeschooling kids with Disibilities 
 Laurie's Homepage 
 List of pages maintained by Cyanosis 
 ADHD & ME Jeff's Homepage
 Attention Deficit Disorders Association- Southern Region support groups in TX, OK, NM, LA, AR, but available to other areas

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