Teacher: "The self-serving of others must be over come by bidding them to the understanding of non-physical truths.

By living these truths of Oneness, one day they will take notice of how attitudes never change in face of challenges. This is when they can open up to new and more wonderful and beneficial truths for mankind. A slow process. Do not push. One only hears when one is ready to open to these wondrous truths.
We are with you at this time.

Each spark of God-Energy is love, goodness, positiveness, openness. You are taught to close down this flow of self in the pursuit of the tangible. Man has not learned what life on a planet is for yet! Some are opening to these real truths but not enough to really make the difference in the way mankind is heading on his journey. Inspire one's self to go beyond the mundane and reach for the sublime realities of your rightful reason for choosing your lifetime existence at this time. Find that reason. Reach within your spark for knowingness. When you do, you find the Cosmos knowingness. Earth is only a molecule within the cosmos upon which your body is existing, like your ocean with all its microcosmic parts which make up its wholeness. Each part equal to the whole but only, and yet, a part. Each needing each other to advance ItSelf and the whole.

Each of you, therefore, are a very necessary part of the whole cosmos flow of existence. Over and over again you create yourSelf in the physical to carry on your part: your role in the scheme of existence
YOU......are the real truth!

Understanding this common link with others, makes you see how so many choose not join but rather tries to enjoy selfishly, tangible, fleeting bounties without non-tangible re-payment, or, a better word is: sharing They just do not understand how glorious and rewarding this change can be. What hapless, unhappy existence they live. Always looking for outside stimuli when the answer is within them all along. Within, to be enjoyed and shared.
Therefore you, our Asteria part, seems to be off-the-wall in your understanding of existence for yourSelf. Dare to remain different! Do not succumb to their ways and thinking! Then, you too would cease to grow toward the truths. In many ways this way is the harder pathway because you are in the minority group. Forgive and let-go. Those who are closed minded want to make you feel guilty for feeling and doing differently by saying your thinking is a reason for your seeming failure to be more financially secure. Their successes is measured by the article called money, rather than what you are learning, your growth of knowingness. This cannot be measured in anything tangible. You will always have the tangible to meet your situation. Set your mind to other true truths. Your tangible requirements will be taken care of through energized action of these truths. This is the truth for everyone sometime in their life".

Marian: I dance joyfully within myself in and beyond this body. I feel as though I can see the entire universe through color-space. Standing on the edge of the inner circle, arms outstretched taking in the information just waiting there for me and others to find. I allow myself to expand and float toward that knowingness.
The travels Through Lifetimes that give my spirit its Knowingness:

Teacher: "Each Self must take time to reflect upon life and advance one's knowledge upon how just to grow. Then to share this with others who are ready to hear and act. Being aware of inner-rhythms of vibrations provides much understanding of the non-tangible. Quietude is what people run away from. To hear themSelves is unbearable. To own your own thought is seemingly truly scary. To acknowledge that past actions brought misery or pain, either to oneself or others in other lifetimes is difficult to accept. Those who do not own up to mistakes are fighting themSelves in acknowledgments. To say: ‘I did it and it wasn't quite right is a major step forward in self-ownership.' Working to correct something, to make it better and more workable, expands one's self."

"We are with you at this time to extend energy knowledge with you on earth. Welcome to our part of the merging essence of the whole truth. We are as real to your Spirit as your conscious thinking thinks solidness is to ItSelf. Go within and find this realness inside you at this time. As you work on this you will be able to experience this real-ness at anytime, anywhere, to assist you in earth-daily living."

End of page 1 of 2.

"In Harmony, Neuman"

Original drawing, based on
remote viewing of
Neuman during a session.
Marian MacNeil, CHT

Master Teacher Part II

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