February 9, 2007

Good morning Neuman and Team A grand day for transcribing! Do you have any further possibility/probability/absolute information to share regarding the location(s) of volcanos forming over the next few years, creating quakes in it wake? What areas are safe for us to migrate to during this time?

Today or sometime soon, I would like more information about the higher energy changes and how we actually move into, flow toward, the new transitions for all life-forms here on Earth. Where do we go? What are the mechanics of the changes we must undertake? I know, many questions. Some are from others who are reading your messages. Thank you for any and all information you share with us.

“Hello MLO. Today is the wonderful beginning of Forever. Each day is new with budding possibilities for each of you to enjoy harmony, well-beingness and joy. This is the best of all chosen mind-sets to hold and build upon. It is very true that your individual world becomes what your thoughts bring forth. Always be mind-full of what you allow into your thoughts and actions in each “Now” breath cycle. What is it you Intend at this “Now” moment? Create the highest good for yourSelves which in turn allows for balance and harmony to flow from you and to you each moment. Check to see the level of acceptance you allow your mind to concentrate on and accept. Be mind-full and ask yourSelf...Am I being all I can be at this moment? Should the answer be no, then, in a wink of an eye, YOU can change the thought, the mind-set. Allow for the emotions of joy and well being to flow into your body, your waking mind, touching the harmony within you, the Spirit.

As you do this action your world changes, flowing toward higher Energy dimensional levels. The world, the Universe changes with or without your attention. So one does wonder, about the mechanics of change. It is when you do the above suggestions that you become aware of the well-being changes within you, within your reality and this is how you become aware of the changed environment you, the Spirit, chooses to reside in at this Now time. Leave the thoughts of worldly chaos ..over there away from you....and allow the Energies to transform the heavy dense reality. Only You can make the changes, no one can do it for you, not even the Star Beings. Remember all Energy is neutral. It is up to each one to decide how to spend that energy.....or waste it.

Envision the surroundings the way you chose them be. Let the emotions swell with the peaceful harmony you envision. Hold these emotion thoughts as you flow through your days. Take the time to appreciate the Now cycle. One ought to relax the stressful hold one attaches to thoughts. Let the Faith for betterment permeate the Now cycle. This creates the statement of “As you think , so you create in your life. Humans create the stress and the illnesses which comes via stress, individually. These stresses grind and twist like steel bars twist from their foundations when the wind blows. It is like two Earth tectonic plates grinding against each other. This is how many humans work each day. This creates stress, negative force. One must learn this situation can’t last too long before illnesses of the body or mind or emotions are created. The energy needs to flow in Joy and Harmony and Well-Being for self and for all. Then, each can flow into the next dimensional cycle, complete and aware. The mind-set must change or you bring that stress with you. Do you understand this? The Universe moves forward, with you.....or without you. The choice of awareness and response is up to each of you.

Now, the Earth is very uncomfortable right now in her position of supporting all the weight humans place upon her! Earth was created for fewer people, fewer concrete structures and roads and more space for other life forms that humans are destroying. What is the saying you have?....... Humans are running amuck right now. Gone are trees, and animals, insects that deserved to be on your globe too, to experience their energy vibrations in this energetic cycle. Time to wake up from thoughtless sleep!

Earth grinds away the top layers of herSelf to clean, to make fresh, opportunities for her to evolve as well. She must break down some areas and create new lands for her life forms upon her to evolve. Think of your cities that are so heavily laden with stress and weight. Your Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Bombay (Mumbai) and Calcutta. Where land is experiencing much toxins and bomb residue. The constant pounding jolts actually bring pain to Earth Energy. All these places including, your country of China harms Earth, so she must make new lands and shed her skin in other places.

Where are these new places? In the waters. I mentioned that water would be an issue. This is coming to pass now. Islands are forming. old lands rise again and some lands descend under water for renewal. Volcanic eruptions and Earthquakes promote renewal. The mountains move upward toward the heavens. The earth plates tilt, like a ship out on your ocean, back and forth, back and forth. Like a pendulum the plates swing until one dips below the other or one rises above the other edge. So look for the plate edges for descending and ascending lands. Look for volcanos to create new lands. Earth is working hard to save herSelf, for each of you, for all life forms! She takes and gives, in a wink of an eye, my friends. The atmosphere is sick and this creates the winds which sweep across the earth plains, clearing, as Mother Earth renews herSelf. Where you knew heat will feel cold and where there is cold that area will be warmed by the sun’s rays, once again, and again, and again. A never ending process of give and take.

Do you, as individuals do all the giving or all the taking? Can you find the balance? Where is your balance? Is it within ego or within Spirit mind-set? What colors are your layers of auras? Look in the mirror, brighten them up with harmonious thinking and actions. Do you share with others? Is Unconditional Love a way of Being for you? Do you walk lightly upon your world, or does stress weigh you down like heavy boots? Your bones grind like Earths plates when the Beingness is creating stress. You call this arthritis. You have levels of emotions and thinking which also produce the grinding between the parts of your Beingness.

Choose peace and harmony and watch your inner changes develop. Write yourself notes and have them where you can see them. Wear a pendant or even a rubber- band as reminders for you, to remember throughout your day. Learn the Habit of Remembering, of feeling good emotions.. Bring a smile to someone today. Compliment someone today and really mean it. Hug a lonely person, filling their void with Love. As they breathe-in your high energy, their loving emotion will expand and will change their life forever. To receive goodness one must give it away to others. Make a constant exercise for better well-beingness for all.

My Friends, you know all of this! I am reminding you to take the time to BE and to share this wondrous Energy with others and with your physical world you commonly call, Earth.

I remain, Neuman”

For the reader’s ease in visualizing the plates, I have included an Earth tectonic plates map.

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