January 1, 2007

Hello Neuman and Team!
I am so happy to be getting back into the calm Energy where I can really focus on our transcribing and togetherness. I look forward to this wonderful year of transcribing!

“Ah, wonderful that you have returned to our working together. We look forward to these communications with you and for all.

Now, breathe in the healing Universal Energies and relax into our Team levels of Beingness.

As you All begin this new exciting year of 2007, remember the areas of meaning of these four numbers. The total of which means completion and therefor laying the ground work for the following year of ONE. Unity, togetherness, Love for all Sources in action. As I just showed you, we are with you by the representation of the Orb. All vibrations, all colors at the highest level of Energy. Come, join us and add yours with ours.

The number eight year, of changes/adjustments, is continuing through this year. Globally and individually for all. Many will transition and others awaking to the new truth realities that abound. Some will continue to deny, this is natural considering the ingrained habits of human conscious thinking and being. Do not fret for as we have said many times, all will have the opportunity for growth at some point in their Spirit evolving. There are all levels of growth here on your planet. This insures the opportunities for expressing patience, compassion, and developing the awareness for right action.

The scrolls of life are unfolding as we communicate. The scrolls are like maps for thinking and actions. They are held internally within Spirit and as one awakens in the higher realms of evolving these scrolls are made available through communications between Spirit-knowing and the human waking consciousness. As we have said before, learn about yourSelves, who you are, your Spirit history and exercising rightness via Spirit..

“With the small groups gathered together in the joint efforts of sending Mother Earth healing Energy, Earth feels the release of pent up bindings breaking loose as she heals. This causes disruption for the life forms upon her. the earth plates move, in her readjusting. Volcanoes erupt that have long been quiet, releasing toxins that have seeped into her outer layers due to misuse of these layers. The weight Earth is sustaining becomes unbearable in many areas.. As your Avatar in the name of Jesus spoke on the cross, to God...”Forgive them for they know NOT what they do”. Humanity must stop, look and listen and then come to the full agreement to work on healing Earth as She settles-in with _her_ new world. Many see the outcomes of their actions and now want to rush forth to make corrections. This rushing begets resistence and now all are at that breaking point of chaos.

Stop the bickering of the religious right and left. Stop the bickering of politics. Find the simple ways life intended for this planet so all can BE. Fighting in NOT the way to salvations. The me versus you, must become One as us.
The Energies of God-ness, Allness, are truly neutral. It is up to each individual life form and its species to make this Earth-wise community happen, now.

As so for this coming year......

There will be concessions made in all areas of living;
Awareness shared;
Disruptions occurring in all areas of group being and for Mother Earth;
All here, face immediate choices of taking right thinking and action or the choice not to interact.
Earth will remain in tack.........Will you?

I remain, Neuman “

(Marian) During the transcribing time I saw flashes of a analogy scenes. Here is what I felt and my interpretations of the analogies shown to me.

Time-Released Pill.
Life is like this type of pill. Energy Particles flow into our system of living and Being in small doses enabling us to become aware and therefore work for the betterment (health) of all life-forms in small workable doses. Too much at one time causes confusion, while not enough, causes illness and neglect. When we seem to be on a roll, we want things to happen quickly. This is where patience, compassion and understanding for our Selves and others is demanded.

The Tunnel.

Sometimes it feels like life is a long tunnel. It is dark and we can’t see very well for most of us didn’t come in with a map of life.. So, we trudge alone careful of our footing. All of a sudden we see “the light” the end of this long tunnel. We start to rush but in doing so, we easily lose our footing. We must still take care in our walk, be aware , use the three Ds..... Deception, Discernment and Detachment. Take time to get used to the bright lights of knowingness as we continue the journey forward.

Marian MacNeil, CHT 2007©

Marian MacNeil, CHT

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