
Jan. 13, 2007

Good morning Neuman and Team. I would like to join you in communication today, if I may? People are wondering what is happening with the Shift changes as well as the human crises in the Middle East and America. Do you have any information today, about these questions?
Thank you!


“Hello MLO. We area aware of your request and happy to be here with you this morning. Know that your current Intention is forming in the Universal Energy “soup pot”, being kneaded and formed to present to you very soon. Relax and know it to be so.

It is good that you hold your knowing, hope and faith for the correct positive actions of the Allness Energies for you and your’s, and for humanity. The sleeping public is beginning to rouse ItSelf and become aware of the confused workings of the few. It is a dangerous time for all. because of the “few” who need control and are greedy for power and adoration. Changes are happening, with some, not the best at this time. Remember the human sentence, “darkest before the dawn”. Most are wandering through the darkness full of despair, hopelessness and very vulnerable.

You who are awake or in the process of awakening take heart for your numbers increase each moment, each day. Helping all to improve situations, thinking and understanding. Mother Earth is healing. With this healing comes shuffling off of toxins, renewing herSelf with newness from her Center, her Heart. Thus volcanos erupt, emitting new molten substances to come forth and renew the land. This causes the plates to shake, move, rising up the land as well as consuming the land. Consuming, in order to regenerate herSelf for all life forms to continue, in eventually, a healthy new land for opportunity. This is a continuous event for Earth. This gives life forms the opportunities to adjust, open the eyes and see how precious the Earth is. Earth is like an embryo, growing, expanding, always forming.

Your species is young, always looking for someone else to “parent” you. Unfortunately, in your innocence, humanity follows the few who desire to control using soothing words, or using fear that if you don’t follow you lose. Such a shame. Yes, other species on other worlds have the same evolution process where they too are innocent and gullible. This is natural with all forming planets and their life forms upon it, evolving. Domination for survival rules.

Over the eons, the species as a whole learn to take responsibility on individual levels and join the evolving forces toward more positive ways of experiencing and expressing themSelves. Some fail over and over. Then, finally understanding, the changes become rapid. Your species, as I have said many times, is at the cross roads of surviving well or destruction and having to start over. As each concentrates on raising your own vibrational Energies, as you choose balance and harmony in your thinking and actions, you become examples for others to follow. No matter what the outcome, each can succeed in your choices to evolve well.

However, since you know that each of life forms are Energy Particles experiencing a physical existence you will always have the Allness Opportunity to evolve, at some point, back into the Allness, complete. Have faith that you, Spirit Beingness, survives physical existence. You each can help by making the most out of your physical form experiences, contributing to others along the way. You are a group of individuals,. Individuals, who each choose to accept or not accept Self Respond-Ability.

See each other through and as Spirit Beings, not through the human body and its color, not through man-made religious controlled thinking. But rather, as wonderful evolving Allness Energy, vibrating to the pulses of the Universe.

I remain, Neuman"

Marian MacNeil, CHT

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