January 25, 2007

Good morning Neuman and Team,
Good to have the warming sun out this day. And, its wonderful to see the few stars out at night to look at and wonder about. I join you for any messages you might have for us. Thank you.


“Ah, Little One, it is so much easier showing you a complete thought than giving it to you, word for word. Sometimes words do not do justice to the interpretation of a thought. Keep working on this expanded way of receiving. You experienced this exercise with Richard before you moved. Good that now you are getting back into the mode of our working together.

Many changes are occurring now on your beautiful watery globe. Be prepared for the unusual to happen which you have had a taste of in this current weather cycle. Have goods on hand and stay home during the icy road days.

We see a sleeping volcano, what you call dormant, beginning to awaken. First there will be small quake rumblings which slowly build up. The scientists are very surprised about this event. It has to do with the tectonic plates moving due to your larger quakes on the far side of your ocean, lately. The rivers of underground lava are long and winding under the plates. With the plate movements the lava is blocked and thus have to rise upward in old places not recorded in your time..”

MM...When will we become aware of this event?

Neuman: “Awareness of this begins during the next month which has a double full moon. Do your research, MLO. An interesting project for you.”

MM. My research shows, the next blue moon cycle is in June 1st at 01:02 30th at 13:48, 2007. After June, the next one is in Dec. 2009. There are none in 2008.

Neuman: "And so, you have researched. Now we can speak about this human time-frame of two and one-half years.

All life and Earth, herSelf, are experiencing perilous times due to mankind’s erroneous understanding and therefore thinking about the Oneness they each call by different names, the thinking that their way is the only way and they strive now to force the world toward their way of thinking.

These next few years will rush by like a freight train on a runaway path to disaster. This is why the various groups of Star Beings are arriving near Earth at this time. Each group has a specific role to enact in order for all to become awakened and wise up to the facts of their wrongful actions at this time. WE are here and will be here for a long time. Preparations are taking place as you and I transcribe. It is not only the human need for a display of us, it is far more serious than that. Earth needs help. Humans must be shown the correct way to calm the controllers down. Controllers of every religion and governments rulings. It never ceases to amaze and disappoint the Star Beings, how stubborn and how much ego is centered in your minds. You all are at a breaking point.

Allow oneself to open the mind to all the wonderful possibilities the community of the globe can achieve when accepting the differences while joining hands to work for the common good for all, not just the few. You will achieve this, hopefully before some are left behind to experience great sadness and destruction.

Time is condensing rapidly now, faster than the human mind can take in. Humans are in a “me, now,” mind-set not taking the time to see the bigger picture.

I am happy to say that all is not lost and those of you who awaken will move forward into higher vibrational Energy times which most cannot comprehend at this time. What we hope for is all of humanity joining forces during the transformation of energy vibrational changes to live, as you were meant to live, not only in the future but for this human cycle of time as well. The cycle which began with the last Earth change destruction which eliminated so much life forms.

I wish I could share with you, all the feelings of love and hope we hold for each one of you. The Unconditional Love that humans haven’t learned to express fully toward all life, including Earth. The value systems you hold can’t take in Unconditional Love mechanics.

Unconditional Love is not a choice, it is a way of being. Some of the feelings you experience such as that first moment of holding a newborn baby, or without thought you risk your life to save another life form stems from Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love also encompasses the total grief over a loved one passing over, the passion each holds in what they do, that in-describable moment of life giving orgasm, not just sexually, but from other means of action held so passionately. Unconditional Love holds all of these.

Hatred comes from the total absence of experiencing Unconditional Love. It comes from greed, ego, and control at all costs toward others and the planet. And, yet. in a moment, hatred can be turned around. In a wink of an eye, life can be different and will be different at the end of these two and a half years, my friends. So work hard at opening the mind, accepting others’ views even if you don’t agree with them. At least think about other points of view without judgement and hatred but with an attempt of putting Unconditional Love toward the thinking and attitudes. It happens internally and not from the outside of Self.

During this time frame. which is only a moment, Earth will rumble and shake, the air will be filled with ashes and soot. the heat and the cold shall come on the winds. Coastal towns will be in peril and life will move inland. waters will rise and land descend. It will be a time for testing one’s beliefs, trust in your own Godness, patience with each other and the willingness to comfort and express actions of Unconditional Love. And, when you reach the lighter, higher Energy of a newly cleansed Earth, you will know the the reward of peace and Unconditional Love will be worth the challenges of the journey.

I remain, Neuman”

Marian MacNeil, CHT

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