March 10, 2007 Message


“Life is school. Mother Earth is the campus. Each day is a lesson chapter in your Book of Life. You are the author of your book. Our actions are the words. Source is your Editor. Each day it is up to you to decide what is manifested, be it positive or negative, You are responsible for the outcome. All this is done on the Spirit and subconscious levels. What goes into those levels comes from your waking-conscious Thoughts, habits you have grown up with, attitudes you have chosen to take on and through all this, your actions.

So many race up the path not noticing the sign posts or detours while they push others out of the way. The curves are treacherous and very easily you find yourself at the bottom of the hill wondering what went wrong, and realizing you have to start over....again. Up and down life experiences flow. Do you take your time to figure out your mistakes? Or, do you keep the blinders on as you trudge up the hill.....once again? There might be something wrong with this picture this vision, as humans say.

What Thought do you awaken with? What Thought do you hold as you drop off to sleep? Thoughts are particles of Energy. Their vibrations set the tone for harmony or dis-harmony. One must become aware of this flow. Feel the Thought within your Beingness. How does it feel and how does it taste? Let your five senses take on the quality of the Thought, as you look at it. Don’t like it? Change it, NOW. Learn the habit of positive Thought. At night the results show up as good or bad dreams based on the morning’s Energy Thoughts which directed your day.

Are you so busy assisting others that you find your own life stalled? You might have what they call “writer’s block”. You find it easier to get into people’s lives than to take care of your own life. You will notice that these two actions, together, create a neutral Energy which becomes stagnate and out of balance. Each one must take care of Self in order to truly assist others. Remember, what flows in, flows outward toward others.

Take the “Now” moment, using your five senses to access your Beingness results. Breathe in, catch the Thought you now have. Your body will tell you the answer. Make any needed adjustments in your thinking. Breathe in again. Now what are you aware of in this cycle of Breath? In a wink of an eye one can change the outcome. Free-will is in action. What you think becomes manifested rapidly, sometimes. Other times it take years for the Thought results of yesterday to show up......One either builds on the results in positive ways or you wake up one morning sad, the bottom of the hill.

Know Thy Self, first. Learn to form those Thoughts which benefit you and therefore everyone, everything you come into contact with during the day. Life can be exciting. It is up to you to create your own Autobiography”, your own Song, your own colorful Artwork.

I remain,

Marian MacNeil, CHT

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