Welcome to the Triumverate Guestbook!

Randy Rodda - 12/18/00 18:58:18
My URL:http://addbook/html
My Email:snock7@aol.com
Location: Snyder, NY
Favorite Triumverate Song: "Campy"
Insane? Yes/No: Not in my most twisted thoughts
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: no
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: received the disc as a gift from someone close to the band.

Nice disc, guys. Think big, think small.Good luck on your next project. You guys ever listen to Captain Beefheart? I highly recommend it.

Randy Rodda - 12/18/00 18:58:08
My URL:http://addbook/html
My Email:snock7@aol.com
Location: Snyder, NY
Favorite Triumverate Song: "Campy"
Insane? Yes/No: Not in my most twisted thoughts
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: no
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: received the disc as a gift from someone close to the band.

Nice disc, guys. Think big, think small.Good luck on your next project. You guys ever listen to Captain Beefheart? I highly recommend it.

Sarah Beth - 12/09/00 03:18:47
My URL:http://www.pcola.gulf.net/~irving/bunnies/
Location: "the island"
Insane? Yes/No: the voices tell me.....no

I like Britney Spears. Christian-if I'm insane-what does that make YOU? And what the heck does Chyjo mean??

Kania - 12/07/00 19:34:28
Location: GINY
Insane? Yes/No: yes
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: Perusing the world wide web

IUm craszy and I drink lemonade.

Sarah - 12/05/00 02:24:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Xtreme21/index.html
My Email:sbmolnar@acsu.buffalo.edu
Location: Grand Island
Favorite Triumverate Song: the one that sounds really cool
Insane? Yes/No: no we aren't
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: no-kind of sad, eh?
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: norman

The Swedish Chef is my friend. Mark won't let Asma and me be tambourine girls for the band. :( I'm hurt...

Sarah - 12/05/00 02:17:59
My URL:http://http://members.tripod.com/~Xtreme21/index.html


DJ Criptic - 12/04/00 19:32:13
My URL:http://live.riffage.com/mailblasts/tte/TTESense.htm
Insane? Yes/No: yes
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: nope, unfortunately
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: wnymusic.com

hey if you're into hardcore music, click the above link plz. thx.

Mark - 11/10/00 15:08:42
My Email:Jaraxle82@aol.com
Location: Grand Island
Favorite Triumverate Song: Right now I'd have To Say The Bullet's Coming
Insane? Yes/No: In This Mix uped Crazy World, Who's To Say who's insane and who's not
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: Yeah
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: Last Time I Checked I was in the band

Despite what some people will lead you to believe I'm not a homosexual, "not that there's anything wrong with that" (c)Triumverate Music 2000

andrew - 11/10/00 01:06:49
My Email:dosher1
Location: tonawanda
Favorite Triumverate Song: punk rock rap
Insane? Yes/No: for those that know me
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: i'm the gimmic
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: i told you i'm the gimmic

um, mark's a homo sexual.

andrew - 11/10/00 00:52:38
My Email:dosher1
Location: buffalo
Favorite Triumverate Song: spike
Insane? Yes/No: maybe
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: twice,but tht will change
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: you


Kania - 10/26/00 19:01:03
My Email:tjk148@aol.com
Location: Grand Island
Insane? Yes/No: yes
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: no
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: mark broke my arm


Ken Rutkowski - 09/22/00 18:51:06
My Email:kenrutkowski@earthlink.net
Location: Buff

Sorry about that first paragraph. It should have said this: Hey, guys - I caught your site on WNYMUSIC.COM and thought I'd touch base with you about our studio. I don't know if you're in the market right now, but a little extra info is always good. When you're ready you'll know where to look.. In any event, just give me a ew seconds to fill you in about our studio. Ken Outer Limit

Ken Rutkowski - 09/22/00 18:48:26
My Email:kenrutkowski@earthlink.net
Location: B-lo
Favorite Triumverate Song: sorry, don't know
Insane? Yes/No: 74
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: Nope.
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: WNYMUSIC.com

Hey, guys - I caught your site on WNYMUSIC.COM and thought I'd touch base with you about our studio. I know you're at least in part from Buffalo, as I've spoken to Matt before, but as you're listed as a Boston band, I'm not sure if I'm wasting your time or not. In ny event, just give me a few seconds to fill you in about our studio. We're a Buffalo recording studio capable of giving you whatever you want in a recording. We've recently moved to a much bigger, better, faster, and stronger location, and have worked successfully on hundreds and hundreds of bands ranging from emo to punk to hip-hop to coffee-house folk to hardcore and everything in-between. At the heart of the studio is an ADAT-Hard Disk-MIDI system that works together in perfect harmony for amazing mixes. Total recall automation is the best thing ever invented in my op nion and allows us to completely customize and tweak any mix far beyond what could be done by hand - even with both engineers playing the board like and instrument. We have all the mics and equipment you would expect from a high-end studio - AKG, Neumann Sennheiser, Yamaha, Lexicon, etc., and we won't settle for anything less than the best in our projects. The studio consists of ten rooms, including several recording and iso-rooms, a lounge, kitchen, game room and more. It's extremely comfortable and everyone tells us that the atmosphere really helps the recording process go very smoothly. Also, we're ava lable 24/7 so we can accommodate any schedule. Zip me an e-mail back if you'd like to hear more or if I can send you some info with some pictures and rates. We'd love to have you in for a tour. We're very proud of the studio and love to show it off. Thanks for your time, Ken Rutkowski Outer Limit Recording Studio 886-0554

Brian - 09/13/00 20:00:28
My URL:http://Pyrocide.shoutweb.net
My Email:MongooseVIII@aol.com
Location: Hamburg
Favorite Triumverate Song: None as of yet
Insane? Yes/No: FUCK YEA@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: i will fridayt
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: WNY music

hey guys,,,, this is brian from pyrocide, hope you're still playin friday at the basement. we'll be on at 7 if ya wanna check us out. mr ected ain't playin cuz theyir drummer can't make it. When are you guys on?? i'll probably email you too before the sho too just so i konw you get this... cuz if you're like us we don't usually check the message board. later!

Mike Deitzman - 08/05/00 00:41:13
My Email:mike71680d@aol.com
Location: Grand Island NY
Favorite Triumverate Song: haven't heard much from this band, to know any song in particular, but.. this Punk Rock Rap song seems to be popular
Insane? Yes/No: on tuesdays
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: which time?
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: mark dog's aol profile

I would love to hear this Barber shop tribute to Mr. Ected, the kick ass heavy metal band, web address for them is www.dopeshiznit.net/mrected

Vandal Savage - 07/24/00 18:57:18
My Email:BornFromOblivion@aol.com
Location: Orange County, Ca
Favorite Triumverate Song: I'd say the Punk Rock Rap, but I'm gonna have to say White Trash, that song rules
Insane? Yes/No: That's what they tell me
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: Believe it or not, I see them all the time
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: I've been around for sometime

This is but a test, this is just a trial run, what is it with this relaunch I keep hearing so much about?

Trumpet Boy - 05/28/00 14:38:18
My Email:GIKris@juno.com
Location: GI, sometimes Philly
Favorite Triumverate Song: all of them
Insane? Yes/No: temporarily
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: partially
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: Mark harassed me

I play the trumpet.

Christian - 05/25/00 05:45:01
My Email:chyjo@aol.com (stalkers are always welcome)
Location: Grand Island
Favorite Triumverate Song: To play Live, The Punk Rock Rap, otherwise Never Lost my Faith....it's a statement man(all three band members are very pious fellows)
Insane? Yes/No: All the people who don't really know me that well think I'm perfectly normal...HAHAHAHAHAHA
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: Dude......I'm like in the band and stuff, however I can honestly say that I am speaking completely unbiased when I say TRIUMVERATE ROCKS!!!!
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: see above, I am in the band

I am the one who broke the bowling game at UB hahahahaha .....Genie in a bottle has been stuck in my head for over four days now.....I can't last much longer (if you want to be with me theres a price you pay Im a genie in a bottle, gotta rub me the right y) OH GOD NO MAKE IT STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Norman - 05/24/00 02:28:47
My URL:http://this site
My Email:triumverate@sabreshockey.com
Location: Grand Island
Favorite Triumverate Song: Of The Times
Insane? Yes/No: Probably
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: i have snuck into practice sessions undetected
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: i helped code it

Ameri-Darts is the official video dart game of Triumverate.

Mark - 05/23/00 20:05:38
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/BornFromOblivion
My Email:Jaraxle82@aol.com
Location: Grand Island
Favorite Triumverate Song: Punk Rock Rap
Insane? Yes/No: Yes
Have You Ever Seen Triumverate Live?: I'm always there
How Did You Come To Find This Site?: I coded this site

I wonder if this crazy guestbook thing will work, not that anyone is going to sign it or anything.

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