Lauren Maltby Zones's Fan of the Month for AUGUST

So, you say you are a die-hard Lauren Maltby fan, right? Well then prove it! Enter the Lauren Maltby Zone's Fan of the Month contest ASAP! Send the webmaster all the information listed below with complete answers, and the best entry will be posted right here as the Fan of the Month for this month! Remember, no prizes will be awarded for the winner, but you will have a chance to show off your love for Lauren Maltby to all this sites visitors, which will include Lauren herself! So enjoy and send in those entries NOW!

Fan of the Month for August 2001!

Name: Josh
Age: 14
Location: Pittsburgh PA
Favorite Lauren performance: Movie Surfers! Because "i like them because she is just being herself and she doesnt have to act, i like her much better when she is herself."
Why you love Lauren so much: "I love Lauren so much because she is a very good actress and she is very pretty."
One thing you want to say to Lauren: "Lauren i love u, will u go out with me!!"
Thanks Josh for your outstanding entry!

We are now accepting entries for Fan of the month for October!
Send an e-mail to with all this info filled out!

Favorite Lauren performance:
Why you love Lauren so much:
One thing you want to say to Lauren, because she might be reading this if you get picked:

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