Hey, guys!
Sure I have great friends with their web pages that are non Disney, and there is no way how to miss putting a link to them.
So in this page you will have the opportunity to visit their sites, and see what people I communicate with :)))
Have a look :)


This is the page of EXO, a best friend from the Odigo chat. His site is full of cool stuff: wallpapers, fun, pictures and more :)

Another Odigo buddy page, this time it belongs to teac, and he is my other best Odigo friend :)


A personal web page of my best female friend in Bulgaria, mainly about her individuality. The page is designed by me, so have it in mind when going there :)

Yana's Rules- my ex-best friend is still in good shape, and if you go to the site, you'll see what I mean... :) Yet, this is another page designed by me...

The Mystery of the Dreams- I don't know if it should be listed here, since it belongs to my cousin Lenni, but hey, why not advertise my web design excellence?? ;)


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