You are listening to "Friends Are Friends Forever" by Michael W Smith


Why God Gave Us Friends

God knew that everyone needs
Companionship and cheer...
He knew that people need someone
Whose thoughts are always near.
He knew they needed someone kind
To lend a helping hand...
Someone to gladly take the time
To care and understand...
That's why God gave us friends.
God knew that we all need someone
To share each happy day...
To be a source of courage
When troubles come our way...
Someone to be true to us
Whether near or far apart...
Someone whose love we'll always hold
And treasure in our hearts...
That's why God gave us friends.

~~ Author Unknown

I have met some wonderful people since I have started chatting on the net 2 years ago. I can't begin to mention them all but these are a few that are dear to my heart. *S*

heart Misty Rose...A terrific person who is not only my best friend but my sis too!! Here is a pic of the two of us!! *S* Don't know what i'd do without ya girl!! Never a dull moment!!!*S* Luv ya!! (((HUGS)))

heart Star So Bright Here...A great gal who I had the pleasure of meeting last summer!! Can't wait till we get together again!! We had a blast!!Hereis a pic of Honey, Star So Bright, Misty Rose, and me at a mall in Texas!! And here we are at Chuy's Mexican Restaurant. You have become a great friend!! Luv ya sis (((HUGS)))

heart KennyB aka stinker LOL ...A real sweetheart and who shares my love of music. You always make me smile even when I'm having a bad day! smiling You are a very special friend to me!! Thanks for being there!! Luv ya! (((HUGS)))

friendship warms the heart

heart Sheila aka Morning Breeze...A real sweet gal who I met in the house, we lost touch for a while but I'm sure glad we caught up again!! You have become a special friend that I always enjoy talking to! *BS* ! Luv ya! (((HUGS)))

friend touches your heart

heart Fireweed...A friend I just met in the house and we hit it off right away!! We have alot in common Janean!! I enjoy our friendship and hope we stay close *S* (((HUGS)))

heart Wolf...A real nice guy I met through ICQ. He's from the land down under!! *S* You always make me smile!! You have become like a brother to me!! Luv ya Paul (((HUGS)))

heart Chocolate Covered Strawberry...Hey girl!! Glad we have become friends. You have a great homepage. Thanks for sharing some of your strawberry pics with me. Take care (((HUGS)))

friends are special

heart Peaches...A real sweetheart who I met recently on ICQ. I enjoy our talks. You have become a special friend to me. Take care of those precious babies!! (((HUGS)))

Some of my other favorite friends that I have enjoyed chatting with.
Gummybear...Sammy... Rocket, Icetea, CaleeJo, Mr. P, Share, Tammy, and many others..Hope I didn't forget anyone *S* I have met some wonderful people and I would never intentionally leave you out so let me know and I'll add you okay!! *S*

free hugs

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