Cloak of Deception - James Luceno

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

The Story:

A group of terrorists lead by Capatian Cohl attack a Trade Federation freighter. While Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi try to track down the terrorists, the Trade Federation asks for defenses to protect them from further attacks. Darth Sidious, who has struck a deal with the Neimoidians of the Trade Federation, helps them get an army to defend themselves. In the mean time, terrorists try to attack Supreme Chancellor Valorum. But when Valorum calls for a trade summit to discuss the taxation of trade routes, the terrorists attempt to strike again...


Cloak of Deception is the currently the earlist major novel of the Expanded Universe. It adds a lot to the story of The Phantom Menace. The book contains many references to other books, and has a few cameos as well.

It's interesting seeing conversations between Valorum and Palpatine. Senator Palpatine is shown as such a kind person, while on the other hand, Darth Sidious is incredibly evil. One thing I liked was getting to hear more from the Jedi Council members, especially Adi Gallia. For some reason, I've always thought that Adi seemed like a very interesting character.

Overall, it's a very good book (if you don't mind all the political jargon). If you really like it, I suggest you read Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter (which takes place shortly after Cloak of Deception) as well.

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