Jedi Apprentice #6: The Uncertain Path - Jude Watson

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

The Story:

Obi-Wan has left the Jedi Order and decided to stay on Melida/Daan. He and his friends try to make peace on the planet. But can the Young succeed? When Nield rises to power, he begins to disagree with Obi-Wan and Cerasi. Obi-Wan begins to feel lonely, and wishes that he was a Jedi again. Back on Coruscant, Qui-Gon and Tahl take on the roles of detectives and try to find out who has been stealting item from the Jedi Temple.


This is still a really great series. And this book is a great sequel to the last. It has lots of Yoda, which is always cool. My only dislikes would be that we never got much of a description of Tahl's droid. I could never figure out if it had wheels or legs!?! And boy, did Nield sure did change a lot! I think that could've been a bit more gradual. Other than that, it's a really good book. I especially liked the part where Obi-Wan was wishing "good luck"; it was a nice touch of irony given his statment in ANH. It's another great read, and I can't wait to continue the series!

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