X-wing #6 - Iron Fist - Aaron Allston

Rating: 5 out of 5

The Story:

The Wraiths are beginning to earn the respect of the New Republic, but in order to catch Warlord Zsinj, they must catch his eye as well, though not how you might think. With the help of General Han Solo and Rogue Squadron, they attempt to outsmart the warlord. But can they do so successfully?


Could this book have been any better? I can’t think of a thing wrong it. It was even funnier than Wraith Squadron (and I hear they only get funnier), and more dramatic as well. This book quite literally had me laughing out loud at several instances. The whole Kettch thing was absolutely hilarious! Allston is a really great author. This has definitely earned it’s spot as my second favorite book. Read it!

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