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Why have I created this web site? Because I haven't been able to find a detailed site in English dedicated to this famous monarch on the Internet, and I feel that he deserves one. With the number of visitors to his castles increasing all the time, and many of these visitors coming, like myself, from outside Germany, I feel that there is a demand for the information I have acquired (and am still acquiring) after 21 years as a "Ludophile."

If anyone has photos scanned of the places mentioned in this web site, and you would like them featured in these pages (with credit to you), please feel free to e-mail me your photos.

Please note that the information you will find in this site is mostly anecdotal. I have decided that this would be the best way to present the life of this colourful and fascinating historical figure.

Great News!!!!
A new book will be released by Könemann publishers in Germany called "King Ludwig II - A King's Passion For Castles". A number of language versions are planned, with English on the list at the present time. (Please note this may change without notice.)

Update, April 29, 2001 - I have just heard the release date has been set at June 2001. The author is Rolf Toman.

So, keep a look out for this book, as it could be the definitive book on Ludwig II. Könemann books are beautiful, with magnificent photos throughout, using very high quality printing processes. I have a number of their publications, and I recommend them to anyone interested in Art History. Best of all, they are incredibly inexpensive, considering the quality of their books.

I'm sorry, but at this time I have no other information about this upcoming book. When it is released, I will add a message here.
Please note that since this book has not been published yet, I cannot guarentee that the above information will be correct when it is released. As I hear news about the book, I will advise you here.

(By the way, you will soon see an online Bookstore on this site, with reviews of books on Ludwig II and links for ordering online. It should be in place as soon as possible.)

Mark Yan. Sydney, Australia.

Last updated April, 2001.

Please take note that as you venture into this site you will find many graphics. I ask that you be patient as they load. I'm sure you will find these images informative! I apologise if your browser cannot view these pictures. If you are using Internet Explorer 3 or above, or Netscape 3 or above, you should not experience any problems.

Please help me improve this site by providing your comments. Thanks.
By the way, if you sent me an email in the past 4 weeks or so, and not received a reply, please resend to the new email address as above. I have changed ISP.

All opinions stated herein are my own, and have come about through 21 years of reading and research. The intention of this web site is to honour Ludwig II, and any comment that appears otherwise is purely accidental and unintentional.

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I dedicate this site to my parents, Colleen and Lowell, without whom I probably would never have discovered Ludwig.