SoftandClassy:About Me


Come on in...

My name is Tina.

I am also known as "Soft and Classy" in Yahoo BBW (Big Beautiful Woman) Sites. This page is kinda like my private page, so it should be considered an eclectic collection of fun things, favorite quotes, and lots of interesting things that I like and hope that you may too. I will always be adding things, hidden links with little clues or blatent directions!! lol! You will see animations that I love but no real place to put them and they may link you to something else! I am still a creation in progress, therefore, this page is as well! I want to show you links to other wonderful websites, very creative and beautiful... The links I have on this page are ones that really touch me, hence, you know more of me.

I was born in San Mateo, California, in June , 1952 (you figure the math!). I was recently married on November 10, 2000, to my love, Gary, and we are now living in Michigan!, a new life we shall share together. I have lived up and down the coast of California, From the Bay Area to San Diego. Wonderful times in New York City and on Staten Island. The season's are beautiful in Michigan then there's Alabama, then Georgia and now, delightedly, back to Michigan! I have moved alot, lived in many places and have seen people fail and succeed in life, and hope to have learned from it. I am a secretary in my spare time from playing on the puter.... funny how work gets in the way of play time! Love making web sites and hope to one day make it a business. I have no children, however, I try to surround myself with them when I can. I am totally in love with my ex's 6 year old son, nicknamed "Bebo". Soon will have a page dedicated to him! I am a positive person and love the little joys in life. A smile from a passing stranger is the best. What a magnificent form of communication! well, that and a good cup of coffee!



I love to travel and have been to Egypt and Australia. I dream of taking a Castle Cruise down the Rhine River in Germany.

I have a past. A theatre background ... I love performing live stage and my forte being Classicals such as Shakespeare and Moliere. Do I sing? HAHAHA Yes, Musical Comedy only!!! I have also costumed and directed shows. I am proud to say that I have performed at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego, California, and have won several awards for my acting at various theatre companies.

I have made many friends on the internet since logging on in the beginning of 1997. I have met several people in real life through the "puter" and have become wonderful friends. I met Denim Lover in Yahoo Adult BBW Chat in April of 1998 and she has become my dearest of friends. Many of my net friends don't have web pages, however, I am starting to collect pictues and share with all. Please visit their sites, sign their guest books and meet some genuinely nice people!