What: Packing List Shake-down.

A. All bags will be checked for contraband and completeness

B. Location: MHS room 76

C. Date: August 8, 2005

D. Time: 6:00 AM

E. Uniform blue jeans, T shirt (jeans must be less than 5" at the knee).

F. Captain Andrews' cell phone number (714) 595 6650

Summer Camp Packing List:

All items will be checked on August 8th. All cadets must have all the equipment listed.

1. Two sets of BDUs (supplied by school)

2. toothbrush, comb

3. Two towels

4. Two wash rags

5. Sleeping bag

6. Solid color sweat shirt

7. Running shoes

8. Shower Shoes

9. 4 pair of socks

10. 4 underwear

11. Swim suit (mandatory)

12. Blue jeans that are smaller than 5 inches at the knee.

13. Sun Screen (mandatory for all light skinned individuals)

14. Chap stick

15. Shaving equipment (boys only - no exceptions - minimum razor and shaving cream)

16. Combat boots (supplied by JROTC)

17. Civilian Clothes for dance

18. Solid color knit stocking hat


Clothing for the dance will be within the school guidelines. Individuals out of the guidelines will wear jeans and a T-shirt. Additional requirements include the following:


No tank-tops (not even under a sweatshirt)

No skirt will be more than 4 inches above the knee (measure your skirt/dresses because they will be measured at summer camp)

No Hats of any type other than those mentioned above

Jeans will not be larger than five inches at the knee

Haircut and earrings - Boys have an acceptable haircut (no hair on eyebrows or touching collar)

Girls will arrive on 8th without earrings