The Enfield in the Civil War

Geoff Walden



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Copyright © 2000-2007, Geoffrey R. Walden, all rights reserved. The contents of this page may not be reproduced or transmitted in any way without the author's permission.  Permission is granted to transmit the URLs and page titles, with a description of the contents.  Permission is granted to print these pages for personal research, as long as the URL and this copyright notice remain on the copies.

This webpage hosted by The Authentic Campaigner.

All photos and drawings, except where noted, are the author's and may not be reproduced or otherwise used without permission.  I gratefully acknowledge the permission of others to use their images on my pages. Thanks to The Authentic Campaigner for hosting this page.

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This page initially uploaded on:  27 February 2000 
This page last updated on:  13 November 2007

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