My Favourite Recipes

I have noticed that many of the dog pages that I review contain pages of their favourite recipes. Unfortunately, they do not seem to know how to make the dishes I like best so I thought I would share some of my family's culinary secrets. These are actually my dad's recipes. He is the cook around here. I am just the one who assesses the merits of the dishes he prepares. So here are the recipes. Make your dad or mum cook them for you and then sit back and ENJOY!

Barbecued Steak

This is a simple recipe but one of my favourites! Make a marinade out of the oil, wine, vinegar,garlic and tarragon. Place the steak in the marinade and keep this in the refridgerator for a couple of days. Turn the beef over several times a day. Barbecue on an open fire. Preferred fuel is apple or cherry wood though briquettes or a gas fire may be used if the preferred woods are not available. Cook till brown on the outside but rare in the middle. Serve luke warm, cut into bite size pieces. Should be presented on a fork and shared with human companion.

Marrow Bones a la Kiwi

Have your butcher select and cut a couple of choice bones. They should be large and sturdy so they will not splinter. They should have lots of marrow and the meat should not be trimmed off them too closely. Broil the bones in the oven at a high heat until nicely browned. Wipe the carrots, celery and onion with oil and broil them too till they are browned. Put bones and vegetables a large pot and add water. Add bouquet garni. Simmer gently for a couple of hours. Cool. Eat bones.

Broth may be served as a beverage on the side or fed to your human companions.

Broiled Lamb Chops

Choose a prime cut of lamb loin and have your butcher cut thick chops. Chops should be boned but should have a nice little ridge of fat along one side. Prior to cooking, wipe chops and coat lightly with oil. Then sprinkle on herbs and spices. Broil for 4 minutes on each side or until brown on the outside but still rather rare in the middle. Cut into bite size pieces. Serve as soon as cool enough to eat safely.

My Favourite Hors d'oeuvre

(this is my mum's specialty!)
Core apple and cut in 8ths. Cut cheese in 1/2 inch cubes. Place cubes of cheese on cocktail toothpicks. Arrange apple slices, crackers and cheese on a small plate. Serves one person and one dog. (Dog eats cheese. Person eats crackers and apple.)

Isn't it a shame that a dog like me with such cultivated fine taste, and her own live in chef, ends up eating slim and trim dog kibble and plain water almost all the time. I have had these problems maintaining my sleek girlish figure ever since I had the puppies. If I were to indulge myself on treats like this on a regular basis I would become chunky in no time at all.