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Do you ever read the newsgroups, surf the web, or look around at the outstanding individuals who are selflessly helping animals, and admire their great efforts towards their causes? Of course you do, and if you are like us, you probably wish you had more time and/or money to contribute a little yourselves.

Well... not everything takes alot of time and money. Too often I have caught myself thinking, "Gee, I'd like to do more regarding ___________, but... (insert excuse here)", and gone peacefully along my way. The most recent time was after Tiki came to live with us. When I filled out on the adoption papers, I wrote "not at this time, baby expected soon" in the section asking if I could donate time to the shelter.

When I got home, I was so grateful to have found Tiki and have her become a part of our family. Then I thought of her kittens, which had been left behind. How many would find homes? How many would be euthanised? How many other animals were out there living the life that Tiki used to live? I thought about all the kittens, cats, dogs, and puppies that were still at the shelter. I thought about the scrawling writing on the fact sheets pinned on the cages - "Reason for Releasing Animal for Adoption: 'Stray', 'New Baby in House', 'Moving', 'Allergic', 'Clawed Furniture', 'Can't Look After', 'No Pets Allowed'. "

When Tiki became sick, I surfed the web alot. I never realized what a widespread problem homelessness, abuse, mistreatment, and lack of proper care is for animals. It has been a very eye opening experience...
which I wanted to help do something about.

But what could I do? The person with no time or money. Well after I thought about it, there *are* things I can do.

Please fill in this form to contribute your suggestions and practices which you do for your favourite cause. I'm sure there could be different things that can be done to help different causes, and if we get together and make them known that's even better!

Rather than do up a list of links to sites with theoretical information on what could be done, I feel that a show of real peoples' contributions would make more of an impact, and make people realize that people *can* and *are* doing something. Help us all realize that there's more to helping than giving up alot of time and alot of money, both of which so many people are short on these days. The little things can go a long way towards counting.

We may not necessarily endorse all the views submitted to this page, if you consider something here to be controversial, please contact the author of the suggestion.

Thank you, Lorraine

What We Can All Do To Help Make A Difference - What Do You Do?

Contribute Your Suggestions - Thank you everyone for your input and for the little things you do.


(Name) Kait
(Cause) Ending the killing of an endangered species
(Suggestion(s)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am a great lover of wolves. Resently I learned something that shocked me greatly and I felt needed to be delt with. In Canada, even though wolves are an endangered species you are allowed to hunt them nine months in a year. If you are a farmer you may kill them all year round. There is no limit to the amount of wolves you kill and you don't need to report it. Last year in Canada 44 wolves were reported. Imagine all those who weren't. I would like some help. If anyone can tell me an address I can send a letter to about this, please email me. Some people I would like the address of are: Members of the Canadian Government Wildlife specialists and Others with the same feelings as myself.

Thank you for your time, Kait Hatch

(Name) Jen
(Cause) Military Family Pet Awareness
ATTENTION MILITARY MEMBERS: Please remember that your pets are family, too! I urge you to keep your pet for the long term, not just until it becomes inconvenient for you. Yes, it is possible (and the responsible thing to do) to take your pet with you when you move. It is irresponsible and unfair to build trust and loyalty in an animal and then abandon it, especially in a foreign country! I have been in the military for thirteen years and have moved 3 pets in and out of foreign countries five times already and will continue to do so. Please, you owe it to your pet to plan well in advance to either to take your pet with you or to find a suitable home. Unfortunately, the military does not yet have a written policy enforcing their members to be "responsible" pet owners. As a military member, I would be very sad if I couldn't have pets at all because a few irresponsible people ruined it for me. Microchips could be used for tracking animals and the military! could fine those who abandon their animals. For those of you who are reading this and are not in the military, please address this concern to your local representatives (after all the military is funded through our tax dollars). As a military member and animal lover, in addition to volunteering my time at the local shelter, I also educate others on the importance of proper planning for their pets when they are getting ready to change duty stations.

(Name)  C S
(URL)  Qoths' Place :-)
(Cause)  Adoptions and the Military
I believe shelters, rescue organizations and breeders should make it a policy NOT to adopt out/sell to Military families without careful consideration.  The Marin County animal shelter in Marin, Ca had/has this policy, and for good reason.  With a large Navy population in the area, they had a huge problem with surrendered animals.  You will also find a good number of feral cats around military bases and untrained dogs abound.

There are several reasons for this:
1.  Often there is only one spouse at home, taking care of kids, working and doing the things two would normally do - the pet is often last on the list of 'things to do'
2.  The husband wants to get a dog to protect his wife while he is away - better to get a phone with speed-dial 911. See reason #1.
3.  The children are having trouble adjusting to the parent being home/gone all the time, so they get a pet 'for companionship'. See reason #1 - parent will be the one responsible for care, training, etc.
4.There are many countries that have 3 - 6 month quarentine periods at the member's expense.  Off to the shelter Fluffy goes. (This also happens because the pet IS loved and cared for and the family can't stand to put it through the experience.)
5.  It is hard enough finding care-providers for children in case of transfer of single parents getting underway, let alone the four-legged kids.
6.  During the household move (every 2 - 4 yrs)Fluffy freaks, bolts out the door and...another feral cat or starving dog.
7.  As at Oak Harbor, Wa the military only has 30 units which allow pets. The renting community does not like pets (pit bulls/mixes are not allowed in city limits, by the way) and, if allowed, charge exorbitant fees ($800 at my place for 3 dogs). Guess where the faithful animals often end up?
8.  Transfering to a location with limited military housing, no pets allowed at the military motel, or where there is no one the member knows is extremely difficult - Japan, Italy, Washington state, etc. It is often seen as totally imossible to take a pet along when the logistics of a transfer are contemplated.  Off goes the pet to the shelter, often amidst tears, but off, nonetheless.

I am not being prejudiced, well, I am, but justifiably.  I have spent 18 years over a 23 year period in the Navy, and grew up in San Diego. I know what I am talking about.  When we decided to get a dog, we discussed it for a year to make sure it was what we were committed to doing.  It was agreed that, should I get transferred to a place with a lengthy quarantine period, or where pets were a hardship, that my husband would stay in the States.  Yes, a 1 - 3 year seperation because of a dog.

An alternate to adoption/purchase...encourage sponsership of an animal, volunteering at a shelter or foster care.  These do not require long-term commitment and can be done with a varied lifestyle anywhere in the world.  Also, low-cost training classes on the local base gives busy parents a close place to train, on an often limited budget (advertise through the base paper and MWR).  Encourage base schools to have a mascot so that the kids can have the advantage of pet-contact.

That's it from me, hope it helps. Great idea, Diva and Tiki, keep up the good work!

(Name) KittyKapers
(URL) Always Loving Cats
(Cause) Shelter Animals
Chloe's mom found this site surfing the net one day. When I went to see what it was about, it really touched my heart. This is such a small gesture, but comes from a big heart. This project provides some comfort to animals in shelters waiting for a home. It adds a little warmth to the cold, hard cages these animals are kept in. Please visit SNUGGLES PROJECT and see what you can do.

(Name) Evangeline Baker
(URL) Angie's Animal Adoptions
(Cause) Adoptions
10 easy and fun Ways to help animals
IF you want to help animals in shelters, why dont you:
1. Donate your old computer, VCR, car, etc. to them and write it off on your taxes at its blue book value?(You may get more $ out of this than selling it)
2. Donate any extra land, barn space, etc. if you have it to a rescue organization? (another tax write off!)
3. Donate old clothes, blankets, towels, office supplies, cleaning supplies, cardboard boxes, news papers, etc to the animal shelter?
4. Buy a bone or toy for every dog at the shelter?
5. Volunteer to be a dog walker for the shelter and help them get out of their cages for a while?
6. Place a classified ad advertsiing a specific hard to place animal at your local shelter?
7. Offer to post pictures of the animals who need adoption on your website?
8. Organize a "dog wash" day at the local shelter. Clean and groom the animals to help them get adopted!
9. Foster some animals you may not have room for on a permanent basement?
10. Print out the website ads from your local shelter of pets available for adoption and pin them on the supermarket board?

(Name) Gurgi Ferret
(URL) Gurgi's space behind the couch
(Cause) Shelter Donations
A really easy thing I do is through a web site called Eyegive ( ). I have their web page set up as my start page, and everytime I click on them to go to my normal start page, they take the money they get from advertisers and donate it to my favorite charity -- Everytime I startup Netscape, I'm donating money to Ferret Association of Connecticut. Lots of shelters are listed there, and if your favorite isn't there, they give you information on how it can be. Even people who don't have a lot of change to spare CAN make a difference, just by clicking on a page.

(Name) Eugene Bartley
(Cause) Spaying/Neutering
The University of West Florida in Pensacola is set far back off the main road on a large wooded tract. By accident I stumbled on what I believe to be an outstanding project carried on by the combined Greek societies.

Due to the remoteness, the area has also become a dump area for unwanted felines. Eventually they turn feral. Students along with animal control and the Humane Society once a year collect as many as possible, give them a health check, shots, and spay or neuter before re-release.The project is funded by "at-cost" medical expense and from monies gained by student projects.

The upside to a very downsided situation is the area carries a large rodent population, which the feline popuation keeps at a manageable level. A no-win turned into a win-win situation for the mutual benefit of both human and feline.

It should be noted that even so, the dumping of an animal for whatever reason is not to be condoned. The above is only an attempt to rectify what should not be in the first place.

Regards, Eugene Bartley

(Name) Kitty
(URL) No More Cruelty!
(Cause) Ending Cruelty

1. Spread awareness of the extent and implications of animal cruelty. On the internet, or your local magazines.

2. Be active. Help out in your animal cruelty shelter and petition your politicians on the dangers of animal cruelty. Many serial killers and violent criminals started out abusing animals repeatedly and extremely. Call for more research to be conducted on this issue. (My mom's lecturer told her there is only statistical evidence for this.)

3. Show by example. Be kind to animals and lead by example to your family and friends.

4. Become vegetarian (shown to be better for health) and promote a lifestyle without animal cruelty products and write to those who make them to stop.

NOTE: There is a page of companies that test on animals at

(Name) Elaine Freeman
(Cause) spay and neuter
Make up several donation cans and take them around to your local businesses. They can put them on counter near cash register. When people check out, they will usually drop some loose change in the cans. A few cents here and there adds up.

I have seen grocery stores that have a big barrel near front and people buy food and drop it in to help shelters.

But the best thing you can do is educate. Also the hardest. People still believe they should let their pet have just one litter. Post statistics about how many animals are born from just one litter.

Keep up good work, Elaine

(Name) David
(Cause) Shelter Outreach
Help your local shelter advertise!! Many shelters need people to post announcement of upcomming events, etc. in local stores, on telephone posts, and so on.

Also, you could post items on newsgroups -- shelter hours & policies, pet listings.

(Name) Second Chance
(Cause) Humane Society
Become a foster care family - good for people who are home a lot (that's what these animals need)

Our organization pays for the food and vet care for the foster cats and dogs - the families provide the space and the love and care.

Litters of kittens are kept in "kitty condos" in your house - easy to care for.

Short-term foster care is also needed for those animals recovering from spay/neuter surgery - 2-3 days at most.

Foster care-giving is not expensive andf doesn't require time spent at the shelter away from home.

(Name) dudelcat - a lurker in rec.pets.cats
I save newspapers and take them in, which are shredded and used in puppy and kitten kennels, and for lining pens. One shelter near me is constantly in need of newspapers, and it is a nearly free thing to do if you get papers already.

I also ask for gifts (christmas, birthday, etc.) that come from the shelter, and tend to give gifts from shelters (even a small little ceramic animal, or a cat toy for a friend's cat is helping). I ask for specific things, like "Spay and neuter" or shelter shirts, so I can walk around and advertise for them.

If you work full time, or even part time, some companies have a "matching gifts" program, and even if you could only give $5 a month or something, it would be doubled if your employer participates in a program like that. Ask at your personnel/human services office and see if there is a program like that in effect, or maybe push to establish one in your workplace. It works not only for humane societies, but other charitable organisations as well (tax exempt organisations).

Sometimes even supporting the efforts of the volunteers can be a great help, by bringing in a case of soda/pop/coke or a container of cookies or something can be wonderful for the people that are working with the animals.

Check and see if the local shelters have programs or things that you can contribute to (maybe a garage sale, a craft sale, maybe you can make something that they need like blankets for the animals to lie on, etc.). Do they have a walkathon, a "walk for the animals" that you might be able to do one saturday a year? You could get pledges and make money for them that way, if you entered.

(Name) Helen S
(Cause) Help out at local shelter
All I can say is the *little* I do to help my local shelter...

1. Use my PC to design and produce the wrappers for donation collection boxes.
2. Use PC to design and produce car stickers advertising the shelter.
3. Use PC to design and produce notelets, greetings cards, etc. to be sold at fund raising days.
4. Sell raffle tickets!
5. Visit shelter periodically and always take donation of food/litter each visit.
6. Visit shelter and spend time with the cats so they remain "used to" humans - an affectionate cat is more likely to find a home rather than a scared cat lurking in the background.
7. Be prepared to empty the litter trays at the shelter!

This is not a vast amount of help, but lots of little bits of help add up!

Kind regards, helen S


(Name) Some Caring Felines
(Cause) Feeding our Hungry
In many major cities, there are volunteer organisations who visit, and/or deliver meals to housebound & low income seniors. Many of these seniors have companion pets. If you are already involved with that cause, contribute some pet food as well as your usual contribution. Even if you aren't involved in that cause, find out if there are seniors who could use that kind of help, and contribute the pet food. Not many people would think to do it and you could be starting a whole new arena of volunteering in your area! 

(Name) Trina
(Cause) Rescue Efforts
There are some wonderful animal sanctuaries that do "sponsorship" programs. You sponsor an animal or two (or three, or...) and they send you a picture of your new friend and newsletters every month. I am doing this through Best Friends ( and am the proud sponsor of Otis and Sinjin! My Humane Society(Seattle) has a program like this as well. It's well worth a look.

(Name) Trina
(Cause) Shelter Donations
The very easiest way to give money is to buy things from the shelters. HSUS has a catalog with all kinds of cat and dog gift items. Local Humane Societies also often sell the Entertainment Book filled with coupons for you to use. They get the profits from selling the book, you get the discounts!

(Name) Diva & Tiki
(URL) Diva & Tiki's Purrsonal Home Page
(Cause) Donations to Local Shelter
There are little things we can do to help our local shelter, we are saving recyclables and returning them for the deposit money ($0.05/bottle where we live), and adding that to a donation pot. When we go get groceries we can use the savings from coupons and add that to the pot, and while we're there it doesn't hurt to buy a couple extra cans of food that we can stockpile. Eventually we will be able to make a decent donation.

(Name) Diva & Tiki
(URL) Diva & Tiki's Purrsonal Home Page
(Cause) Donations to Causes/Funds
Find out at your next visit to the veterinarian's office if they have any funds set up for donations to causes. A few cents or even a dollar out of your pocket won't kill you that day, you can skip your trip to the coffee shop if it does.

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