Safe Surf

"Too Sexy"

RULE #1 LAW OF CAT PHYSICS (Law of Cat Inertia)
A cat at rest will tend to remain at rest
unless acted upon by some outside force,
such as the opening of cat food
or a nearby scurrying mouse.

Even though you see Rufus OUTSIDE in a couple of these pictures he is an indoor cat. My patio is enclosed with a gate and if he is out there without my supervision (which is really never) he is on a leash tied to the couch. I still constantly look out to check on what he is doing. Most of the time I am out there reading a book and he is usually still on the leash. If you click on the picture you can see the larger version of it.

Beautiful boy closeup Rufus with flowers
Rufus being silly Rufus killing paper towels
As you can see, he is also a little silly. He loves to kill papertowels and takes every opportunity to steal the roll and kill it in the livingroom as he is doing in the picture above on the right. In the other one, I don't know what he was thinking. He's a riot to live with.

Believe it or not he's just
jumping at snow flakes outside.

He can also be extremely irritating sometimes. He is absolutely fascinated with my answering machine. Many people joke with me about his obsession. I used to have the answering machine on a small glass shelf in the kitchen next to the phone. Well, you probably guessed what happened. He decided one day to jump to that shelf and it pulled out of the wall because it was only meant to hold about 4 pounds - not a 9 pound cat. So I got a digital wall phone in the kitchen so he couldn't fool with it. I also have to keep the phone in the bedroom inside the desk drawer because he takes it off the hook. I have watched him do it. He takes the cord near the mouthpiece and just keeps pulling until it comes off. Then he stands on the numbers so that the operator tells him he has dialed incorrectly. Thank goodness he hasn't actually called anyone (that I know of). He lifted the lid on the previous answering machine and changed the recorded message so when people dialed me all they would hear was him scratching away. His constant playing with it worked the tape loose once so that I missed about 3 weeks worth of messages. My neighbor finally called me at work to tell me she couldn't leave a message. He certainly is a member of good standings in the Brat Cat Club.

And here is Rufus being helpful .... I guess he wants to help with his web page.

Computer Kitty

Here is the latest picture ... my girlfriend said he looks like roadkill. The other picture he is trying to lure me into his tummy trap so he can kill me.
