Safe Surf

"Crazy For You"

I think I could find Rufus sleeping just about anywhere in my house.
When he is missing he is either in a closest
or a drawer or under something or stuffed in by the microwave.
Sometimes he is in plain sight and I haven't seen him yet,
and suddenly I focus on him hanging on something.
Cats really are an experience to a Dog Person like me.
No wonder there are so many Cat People in the world.

And when winter comes Rufus comes to bed with us.
He bullies his way into bed and if I'm not facing the right,
he will tap me on the shoulder and make me move.
What a guy!

RULE #3 LAWS OF CAT PHYSICS (Law of Cat Thermodynamics)
Heat flows from a warmer to a cooler body,
except in the case of a cat.
In which case, all heat flows to the cat.

If you click on the picture you will see an enlargement.

Rufus sleeping on stove Rufus sleeping on microwave
Rufus as Jabba The Hut Spud Graphic
Rufus on aquarium Rufus hanging around
Rufus in toy basket
Rufus sleeping in toy basket Sleepy Baby


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