Well its sad to say but all the cows,bulls,chickens and pigs all shared the same name....Freezer Meat
Cats-Mokie,Smut,Little Storm,Starr,Socks,Tom. Little Storm had crossed eyes she was so cute. One time she was walking on the rail of my balcony and fell off. She was ok but it was funny. Cat Link
Dogs-Blackie,Spot,Harley,Bone. Bone was one of the best dogs I have ever had. He was a White English bulldog but he had one problem well it was more like a habit or a death wish. He loved tires! Cars/trucks it didn't matter to him just as long as they were moving. One morning his wish came true. That was a sad day at the zoo. Dog Link
Birds-Cheeko and Jennia 2 cockatiels. I got them both from a friend who got them from a friend. I was told one was a male and the other female. After going to the pet shop for food and stuff and seeing all the beautiful birds I got it in my head to let them mate. So I got a book and spent over a 100 bucks on all the things I would need for this wild idea. Time went by and one morning I get up to see eggs. LOTS of eggs!!I thought my God how am I going to care for all these birds!?!? I called the pet shop to tell them of my miracle and thats when I found out I had 2 females. Bird Link
Squirrel-BeeBee. I picked his name because he was saved by a beebee gun. A big rat snake had got him out of his nest high in a tree and had him down on the ground. He was not gonna be lunch that day if I could help it! Squirrel Link
Horses-Baby Ruth bar (aka) Baby and Stormy. Stormy was just a big pet. When she was born someone didn't know what he was doing and pulled her out and her front legs got turned. The owners were going to have her put to sleep but I saved her. She thinks she's a big dog. When I take Baby out for a ride Stormy would have a fit wanting to go. Most of the time I let her go with. She really loves to run and seems to like raceing us back to the house. I even let the win sometimes. Horse Link
Fish-Goldie Fish Link Rabbit-Hoppie Rabbit Link Turtles-Brut and Erinie Turtle Link
Turkey-Roger and Sandy 2 funny and pickie eaters. We had grape vines in our yard and both loved to eat the grapes BUT you had to hand feed them the grapes. They would not eat them off the ground or pick them off the vine. With Roger he liked his grape peeled and with Sandy you had to pinch it open for her. We got them to eat but fell in love with their personality. (GOBBLE no link GOBBLE)
Guinea pigs-Well its like this I was about 9 years old and a friend had 2 guinea pigs he wanted to give me and like the animal lover that I am I said sure (not asking my mother of course) because I knew she wouldn't have let me keep them. I got them home and cleaned out a drawer (hay I was only 9 pepole) gave them water and some food and went on my happy way. I don't remember what I named them cause of the hell I got when I got back home. I had to give them back to that little kid. I some times think of what my mothers face must have looked like when she saw those guinea piggs in that drawer*L*
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