Jason and Charlene
As we said in our introduction, we're from  Arizona.  And I guess you could say we're still on our Honeymoon.  We married in November of 1998 and it still seems like yesterday.  ( really, it does)  LOL
Jason and I met over the Internet, in a chat room on Talkcities.  We began a conversation that lasted well into the early morning hours, and as fate would have it, he didn't live that far from my mother, brother and a sister.  Since I was planning a short little trip out to Arizona from my home in Winnie Texas anyway, I decided why not meet him while there.
Jason claims that he was in love before I rang the doorbell, I was too tired after driving for two days to notice that he was serious.  But after I opened my eyes enough to look into his, I knew something was surely causing me to smile a little more, sing a little song, and dance a little dance. 
It seems like so many things that have happened in our lives happened because of fate.  We just happened to have been in the right place at the right time when each of our babies came bouncing, chirping or running through our doors.  It was the same with us, I knew right away that Jason and I would marry.  He did also. One day, just killing time, we stopped to look at some Model homes.  He made the comment while entering one that when we got married ??, I always thought it would take a lot to pull me away from my Texas, but it wasn't long before I was back there packing my bags, saying good-bye to friends and family, and moving to Arizona.
We married in Las Vegas.  Jason's parents flew in from Kentucky and his brother Steve and his wife Stella witnessed our vows.  We had a small but lovely wedding.  (NOTE:  Jason's brother, Steve passed away in July of 1999 due to a tragic accident.  PLEASE REMEMBER THAT IF YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN ARE RIDING BIKES, ROLLERBLADING, ETC., PLEASE WEAR A HELMET.   AND PARENTS, IF YOUR CHILD BEGS FOR A GO-PED (a skateboard with an engine) PLEASE NOTE THAT THEY ARE A VERY UNSAFE TOY OR MODE OF TRANSPORTATION)
Jason is employed with Motorola in  Arizona.  While I work with Columbia Hospitals' Data Center. Our lives revolve around our  "children" and we have no complaints or regrets about any of them.
We hope you enjoyed visiting with us, meeting our kids and our friends. 
And remember, please, before you get that pet, know who your breeder is, and whenever possible get them spayed and neutered!