This ring is intended to provide those seeking information regarding domestic or wild rats with a method of browsing pages containing rat specific information.

Pages bearing this ring will contain information regarding keeping rats as pets, other's experiences with their pet rats, information regarding caring for domestic rats, photographs and illustrations, medical or scientific information regarding rats...and so on!

To join this ring, your page must contain information, stories, photos, diagrams or illustrations regarding rats. You must complete the application for the ring and be placed in queue. At this time you will receive the required HTML snippet to cut and paste the Absolute Rat Ring to your page. Once you have added the HTML code you will have to reply to the original e-mail indicating that it has been posted. Once your page has been inspected and the required ring link posted you will be moved to the list.

Use the navigation tools in the drop box below to take you to the ring area you want to visit. Here you can join the ring, view the ring list, or check who is in queue. If you require more information regarding this web ring you can contact the ringmaster with your questions, concerns, and comments.

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