This is Stonecrest Emmett Kelly C.D. SAR. CGC
Emmett is 4 months old in this picture.
He was named after the clown Emmett Kelly becouse of the ring around his neck. He fits the personality of a clown to!!
How i got involved in search and rescue, was becouse my sister mailed me a book, by the name of "So that others may live" i could`nt put the book down. this was written by hank whittemoore and caroline hebbard.
I was looking for a community service that i could do with my dogs that involved the outdoors.
When emmett started he was a little over 1 year of age.
I had to do tons of research to find a group near me.Where there is a will there is a way. It took some time but i found a group called "Great Lakes Search and Rescue" of wisconsin.
the drive for me was usually 3 to 4 hours one way. and there were many times that i drove home from a training and didnt get back till midnight or so. For that reason.......the cost of maintenizing my vehicle, as we trained 2 sun. a month and once a week, for 2 1/2  years got to be to much plus owning my own grooming shop, i was really hopping.

SAR work is not all the glory everyone thinks it is. there are so many hours you must log on your dog and there is so much to learn besides training your dog. You  must be able to work your dog at night as well as day, and you are not always put in the "hotspot" but knowing you helped is reward enough.
You must know map and compass and also must know first aide and  CPR.
There are much more things involved such as wind direction, and time of day, and temperature outside. Many factors come into play when working a certain problem.
You must be able to keep your dog motivated and great care must be given these dogs in the summer nutricion wise.It is not recommended feeding cheap dog food to them when they are working very hard.There are many sites on the internet that explain about dog food.
i feed mine WYSONG synergon formula and mix canned growth in (small amount) and suppliment with HOKAMIX.
Great Lakes Search and Rescue Of Wisconsin (GLSAR)
We tried to work with this group again, and becouse of work schedules the time committment they required just does not work out for our jobs.
So we yet again are in search of a group we can work with that would allow for our work schedules.
We are hoping to work with a GSD SAR group in our state.
please check back as to our progress. Jason, one of the original founders of GLSAR is disapointed but he will get to do this work.His schedule is just to demanding right now.
We are still members of NASDN and plan on taking our training just as seriouse.
Emmett and Morgan will be training full time for their WD titles thru the NCA and that requires them to swim out to person in distress and haul them into shore.You can read up on this work from the index page.
Here you see Emmett working a problem in a wilderness setting, this a state forest and he took us to the outhouse where he pinpointed the scent of the human he was searching for.
Here you see Emmett found the subject. He is alerting by barking and tail wags. Each dog has their own alert and in different situations the alerts may vary.Emmett loves his work!

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